Opposite of to cause (someone) to be confused or perplexed
Opposite of to think hard about something because one cannot understand it
Opposite of to confuse or confound with something surprising or shocking
“Perhaps someone out there could enlighten me with regard to the following situation that my 17-year-old son finds himself in.”
Opposite of to confound or perplex someone
Opposite of to cause to lose orientation or direction
Opposite of to be impossible to understand
“Everything would make sense once it was explained to us.”
Opposite of to be forgotten by
“I've forgotten several important people. It will eventually come to me.”
Opposite of to cause distress or anxiety to
“He would often meditate to calm his nerves before a game.”
Opposite of a toy, game, or question presenting a problem that requires skill or ingenuity for its solution
Opposite of a complicated or baffling situation or thing
Opposite of something that is difficult or impossible to understand or figure out
Opposite of something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain
Opposite of something unrevealed or difficult to know
“He surprised his family with a revelation that he would be migrating to France.”
Opposite of an unpleasant situation, usually where difficult choices have to be made
“Ian sees this as a win-win situation, creating jobs on one hand, and preserving culture on the other.”
Opposite of a seemingly absurd or contradictory proposition that may prove to be true
Opposite of an intricate or confusing problem or arrangement
Opposite of a feeling or attitude that one does not know the truth of someone or something
“I can know, no matter what the experts say, that I have a feeling of certainty that is directed towards a claim.”
Opposite of a hidden problem or disadvantage in an apparently ideal situation
“As we pushed ourselves to the limit, the trainer reiterated the old adage of no pain, no gain.”
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