Opposite of to decrease or reduce in feeling or strength
Opposite of to deprive of physical sensation or feeling
Opposite of to deprive of emotional or intellectual life, energy or vitality
Opposite of to diminish in intensity or severity, especially gradually
Opposite of to deaden, muffle, or soften the sound of
Opposite of to put an end to something, especially one's ability to speak or express oneself
“His public transgressions will continue to occasion criticisms of his wild party ways.”
(figurative) Opposite of to stifle or suppress a quality or characteristic
“The desire to prove this to all who stood before him caused Atheos to move toward the Golden Gate and unleash his fury upon this symbol of their bondage.”
Opposite of to dull or desensitize, emotionally or physically
Opposite of to decompose, typically due to being affected by gangrene or necrosis
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