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What is the opposite of flow?

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Opposite of to cascade or issue forth from somewhere
“Each drawer will be clearly marked and will be lined with bin liners for easy disposal and to ensure that the liquid is contained.”
Opposite of to move or proceed with a given movement or momentum
“Reach over and turn the faucet clockwise to stop the flow of the water.”
(flow from) Opposite of to proceed or be produced continuously
“It was expected that workplace complaints would diminish once the staff was provided with precise and sufficient information.”
Opposite of to gush out in a sudden and forceful stream
Opposite of to pour from, or as from, a container, especially by accident
Opposite of to move in a smooth, quiet continuous motion
Opposite of to drip or dribble down vertically (in drops)
Opposite of to originate or stem (from)
Opposite of to flow or move in a stream
“You can run the hairdryer over the wet patch on your dress and it should dry up pretty quick.”
Opposite of to happen or take place, especially following an earlier event
Opposite of to pass through a pore, membrane or interstice
Opposite of to occur or follow after, or as the consequence of, something
(usually of a liquid) Opposite of to rise up, to spill over, or to be on the verge of spilling over
“His tears began to ebb once he had gotten over the overwhelming emotion of landing his dream job.”
Opposite of to teem, or be overrun or overflowing with
Opposite of to have a specified beginning
Opposite of to leak, seep or discharge liquid or gas
(literally or figuratively) Opposite of to move or proceed with a given movement or momentum
(of time) Opposite of to pass or move by
Opposite of to originate from
“By Gemrin's bane, I command you to return from whence you came!”
Opposite of to move across or through a given point
“We would have to stop at the crossing in order for the children to safely walk across to their school.”
To gush out in a sudden and forceful stream
“Cooler air would rush in through the open windows of the living quarters on the first floor.”
Opposite of to make or become liquefied by heat
Opposite of to move in a specified direction as a mass of people or things
“The Siamese King ordered his army to spread out on both wings to repel the onslaught of the Burmese.”
(of a liquid, gas or heat) Opposite of to discharge from a container
“As long as the olive oil is properly stored, the bottle will hold the freshness for a while.”
Opposite of to have its source
“Glaciers abutting the river disgorge house-size icebergs into the water, and then the current lofts them away.”
Opposite of to move in a twisting or spiraling pattern
Opposite of to move, glide or slide gracefully or effortlessly
Opposite of to change, develop, or move in a general direction
“Although the curve on this graph appears to deviate widely from the flat dotted line, the decibel scale tends to exaggerate the deviation in frequency response.”
Opposite of to proceed, come or flow out from
“With her windows shut, the smell of spices would be contained within my neighbor's kitchen as she prepared her dinner.”
Opposite of a steady, continuous stream or supply of something
“As a result of the strike, there was a break in the production of European luxury cars.”
Opposite of a large amount of money, liquid, or people that moves or is transferred out of a place
Opposite of a substance or form of radiation given off by something
Opposite of a sudden gushing stream
Opposite of agility or nimbleness in movement
Opposite of an advance or forward movement
“Ronin surmised that no one had escaped the fight unscathed, and he began wondering if he should've called a retreat in the first place.”
Opposite of the action or process of moving forward in place or time
“Wu Luan does not move, embodying an extreme motionlessness in contrast to Wan's energetic exit as she sweeps out, her long robes trailing behind her.”
Opposite of a sudden flow or flood
“With this system, a trickle of water is discharged continuously near each plant.”
Opposite of the general tendency or course of events or opinion
“His rhetoric is the antithesis of what our movement is about.”
Opposite of the action of discharging a liquid, gas, or other substance
“A number of simple chemical concepts can be used to produce improvements in the containment of toxic materials.”
Opposite of a large number of similar things coming in quick succession
Opposite of smoothness and elegance of movement
“His performance is burgeoning with awkwardness and extreme fear, conveyed in nuance and physical appearance.”
Opposite of a general direction in which something is developing or changing
“He also continues to cut on film, a noticeable deviation from the industry standard of nonlinear digital editing.”
An inflow of water or liquid
“The population and economy are heavily dependent on an annual influx of water into the Indus River system.”
Opposite of an overwhelming quantity of things or people happening or appearing at the same time
“It attracted pilgrims and other visitors from distant places, but the cathedral was not the parish or proper church of more than a handful of people.”
Opposite of a forceful rush or flow forward
Opposite of an instance of leaking
Opposite of a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound
“I like this game, but I can't get over the randomness of the beat.”
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