Opposite of the act, fact or state of sagging or sinking
Opposite of the extent to which something droops or hangs
Opposite of the act of lowering in amount
“We noticed an increase in sales after our latest marketing campaign.”
Opposite of a sunken place or hollow on a surface
“The rock had a rounded protuberance above the surface, making it easy to find.”
Opposite of lacking in tightness
Opposite of an act of dropping or falling downwards
“The ascent into space begins, first slowly, and then rapidly as the tremendous force of the rocket engines pushes the payload faster and faster.”
Opposite of to be limp or droop downwards
Opposite of to deplete, or be depleted, in physical strength or energy
Opposite of to lose strength or become weaker
Opposite of to deteriorate or go into decline, especially physically
“The results of your blood tests show that your health is starting to improve.”
Opposite of to hang over the edge of something
Opposite of to collapse inward or downward
Opposite of to deplete, or be depleted, in physical strength or energy
“The doctor would recommend some physical exercises to strengthen the muscles around her knees.”
Opposite of to gradually decrease or decline in value, amount, quality, or intensity
“Over the long term, houses tend to appreciate in value, while cars depreciate.”
Opposite of to go or sink underground or underwater
Opposite of to physically fall or drop
(of a person or animal) Opposite of to sink to or towards the ground
“She willed herself to stand for the ovation following a brutal match with her opponent.”
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