Opposite of an unintentional mistake or failure
Opposite of the action of overseeing something
Opposite of something said or done that is socially upsetting or incorrect
Opposite of the process or act of managing, running or governing (something)
(order) Opposite of a mistake, typically unintentional
(success) Opposite of a mistake, typically unintentional
“As we blast off from Earth, we look out the rocket's rear-facing window and telescopically observe the people near the launch pad who are applauding the success of the liftoff.”
Opposite of the shameful failure to fulfil one's obligations
Opposite of negligence in fulfilling a moral or legal obligation
Opposite of an act or judgment that is misguided or wrong
“He made his fortune through astuteness and good decision making with his investments.”
Opposite of a mistake or error, typically unintended or serious
Opposite of neglect of one's duty
Opposite of the process or act of managing, running or governing (something)
Opposite of an act or judgment that is misguided or wrong
“There are too many minor mistakes, which need correction before a paperback edition.”
Opposite of the neglect or omission of an expected or required action
“Careful observance of proper procedures will ensure that delays are minimized.”
Opposite of the action or manner of controlling or regulating a state, organization, or people
“When law and order break down in a country, it is the first step towards anarchy and chaos.”
Opposite of the management or guidance of someone or something
Opposite of the manner in which an organization or activity is managed or directed
“The Council's inaction has allowed a worsening of conditions at the spot.”
Opposite of a failure to hit, catch, reach or achieve something
“The movie was a hit at the box office!”
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