Opposite of a beaten mixture of flour and liquid (usually egg and milk), used for baking
Opposite of one who bats in cricket
Opposite of to strike, especially repeatedly with hard blows
Opposite of to hit, strike or knock something forcefully
Opposite of to hit or strike repeatedly
Opposite of to strike or hit repeatedly
Opposite of to strike physically or violently
“Aaron moves first, throwing a flurry of punches that I easily defend.”
Opposite of to strike, especially with force
“Jobe was terrible at shooting games because he would completely miss most of his targets.”
Opposite of to physically attack
Opposite of to attack or bombard with bombs or artillery
Opposite of to fall or be hurled forcefully, typically in the form of a barrage
Opposite of to flow in a stream
Opposite of to treat someone badly, cruelly or unkindly
Opposite of to be detrimental to
“Some skeptics have surprisingly suggested that global warming could actually benefit society and the economy.”
Opposite of to give an appearance of age to, especially a new object
“He said there were plans in place to refurbish the showroom and re-establish the site as a retailer under the auspices of the new company.”
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