Opposite of a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions
Opposite of a prediction or prognosis of a future event
Opposite of a sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen
Opposite of a slight or indirect indication or suggestion
Opposite of the act of gesticulating, or making gestures to aid expression of thoughts, sentiments or passion
Opposite of a sign or warning of something to come
Opposite of a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning
Opposite of a sign or piece of information that indicates something
Opposite of something which indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else
Opposite of an object or feature that is easily seen and used to establish one's location
Opposite of a piece of information that may help in an investigation
“Unfortunately, we are unable to identify the chocolate chip cookie thief because the only information we have is a dead end.”
Opposite of anything that serves to remind
“Maybe she'd be able to offer enough of a distraction to help me forget about my problems.”
An announcement or signal warning of danger
“I would advise you to heed the alert coming from your malware scanner.”
Opposite of a word used to gain admittance or to gain access to information
Opposite of striking in extent, seriousness, or importance
Opposite of extraordinarily, exceptionally or wonderfully rare
Opposite of respected or well-known, especially due to past achievements or noble qualities
“A surprisingly sparse paper trail offers only scattered clues on the obscure life of William Shakespeare, one of the world's most influential dramatists.”
Opposite of able to be seen
Opposite of having influence or power
“The errand boy was an insignificant person, mostly unrecognized by those around him.”
Opposite of remarkably good
“My girlfriend had cooked spaghetti, which was unusual because as much as I loved her I have to say she was a terrible cook.”
Opposite of to imply, or to be an indirect sign or indication of
Opposite of to demonstrate to be true based on facts
“Steven's defense team fought hard to disprove the evidence brought forward by the prosecutors.”
Opposite of to presage, or suggest something in advance
Opposite of to use gestures to call for, or get the attention of, someone
Opposite of to mark or announce the arrival of something
Opposite of to summon or signal (to someone or a vehicle)
Opposite of to suggest or indicate something indirectly
(with an object) Opposite of to provide a listener or reader with information
“The weather-beaten sign is illegible and will conceal how much further you have to travel.”
Opposite of to show (information, etc) in written form
“You may disregard the bottom portion of the form as it is only for office use.”
Opposite of to indicate or declare (a feeling or intention)
“She laughed, but it was the laugh of someone choosing humor to mask her insecurity.”
Opposite of to suggest or indicate something indirectly
“I don't know whether any of this would have any effect, but it would highlight the seriousness of the consequences of crime.”
Opposite of to provide notice of a potential or current danger or risk
“They told him to keep quiet and not alert the police, otherwise, they would put a bullet in him.”
Opposite of to state or make known
“The government quickly acted to suppress information regarding the explosion.”
Related Words and Phrases