Opposite of the action of evading something
Opposite of artful maneuvering to avoid direct answers or commitment
Opposite of the act or state of eschewing or avoiding something
Opposite of the act of avoiding something undesirable
Opposite of the failure to make a payment
Opposite of the act or state of eschewing or avoiding something
(consequence) Opposite of a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense
“As a consequence of his actions, he had to flee the colony, having been indicted for abusing his privileges as an officer.”
(accusation) Opposite of a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense
Opposite of the skill or strategy used in deceiving others
Opposite of an act of avoiding something dangerous or unpleasant
“Not deviating in the least from such restrictions, he tried to endure the affliction through strong resolve.”
Opposite of the shameful failure to fulfil one's obligations
Opposite of bland fluent talk indulged in to avoid addressing a difficult subject or situation directly
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