Opposite of exactly like something else, especially through having been copied
Opposite of made in exact imitation of something valuable with the intention to deceive or defraud
Opposite of consistent with, or similar to, something else
Opposite of being a (usually small-scale) representation of
“Today, you can still don a Revolutionary or Civil War uniform and join an artillery company that re-enacts skirmishes while firing full-size replica cannons.”
Opposite of a copy or likeness of someone or something
Opposite of someone or something that resembles, or corresponds to, another
“MacKinnon is the embodiment of mismatch when it comes to socks and shoes, as he dons a black shoe on his right foot and a red shoe on his left for basketball games.”
Opposite of a person or thing that is similar or analogous to another
“His results speak volumes of his incomparability in the field.”
Opposite of an image seen in a mirror or shiny surface
“Han initially uses the mirrors to his advantage, but Bruce smashes them all and is able to reveal Han's original.”
(originate) Opposite of to make or be an exact copy of
(originate) Opposite of to make or be an exact copy of
Opposite of to repeat something that has already been said
Opposite of to increase in amount, value or degree, especially by two
Opposite of to be similar to in appearance or structure
Opposite of to take as a model for emulation
“B.B. King's bluesy guitar style would heavily contrast with Steve Vai's rock and metal technique.”
Opposite of to make a copy or duplicate of
Related Words and Phrases