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How to say drop in Spanish

What's the Spanish word for drop? Here's a list of translations.

Spanish Translation
More Spanish words for drop
la gota noun
gout, bead, blob, spot, dab
la caída noun
fall, hang, downfall, collapse, plunge
caer verb
fall, fall down, fall off, fall out, go
soltar verb
release, loosen, loose, free, disengage
dejar verb
leave, let, stop, make, allow
el descenso noun
decline, descent, fall, relegation, landing
la disminución noun
decrease, decline, reduction, diminution, fall
bajar verb
lower, get off, go down, descend, come down
abandonar verb
leave, abandon, give up, quit, drop out
la baja noun
dejar caer verb
droop, fumble
disminuir verb
decrease, reduce, diminish, lower, decline
retirar verb
remove, withdraw, retire, recall, retract
lanzar verb
launch, throw, release, pitch, send
perder verb
lose, miss, waste, shed, forfeit
caerse verb
fall, fall over, fall down, topple, tumble
echar verb
cast, throw, put, lay, pour
la bajada noun
descent, slope, sinking, depreciation, downfall
omitir verb
skip, omit, miss, leave out, neglect
poner verb
put, add, place, set, lay
cambiar verb
change, switch, shift, exchange, alter, turn
quedar verb
stay, remain, keep, rest, stick around, come up
gotear verb
drip, leak, dribble, trickle, leak in
el lanzamiento noun
launch, release, launching, shoot, throwing
echarse verb
lie, lie down, throw, lay down, stretch out, throw oneself
disminuir por verb
cambiar de verb
tumbar verb
overthrow, topple, tumble
agacharse verb
bend, crouch, duck, stoop, squat, hunker down
el declive noun
slope, fall, gradient, incline, descent
el trago noun
drink, swallow, gulp, swig, dram
la pendiente noun
slope, earring, pendant, descent, incline
romper con verb
break with
hacer verb
do, make, ask, be, cause
reducir por verb
shrink, gear down, dock
no pronunciar verb
el corte noun
cutting, court, section, break, hack, haircut
suprimir de verb
excise, wipe out
la lágrima noun
tear, teardrop
renunciar de verb
forsake, back out of, abjure
comerse verb
eat up, devour, dispose of
la pastilla noun
tablet, bar, chip, lozenge, pastille, microchip
el precipicio noun
precipice, cliff
el escondrijo noun
cache, nook, hiding place, hideout, hideaway
el bajamiento noun
el telón de boca noun
la caída de gota noun
alargar verb
lengthen, extend, elongate, reach, draw out
extender hacia abajo verb
renunciar para verb
forego, forswear, abdicate
verter a gotas verb
caer a tierra verb
calmarse verb
calm down, subside, settle down, cool down, ease
amainarse verb
subside, abate, die down, ease off, ease up
no formar verb
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