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What is the opposite of round?

Need antonyms for round? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of having a circular or cylindrical shape
“The first sketching phase involves drawing the basic, unrounded shape of the object.”
Opposite of having a surfeit of body fat
“I turned around and noticed a tall, skinny man standing behind the counter, holding an unsmoked cigarette in his hand.”
Opposite of characterized by fullness, clarity, strength, and smoothness of sound
“The primitive playback equipment of the time takes away the treble and takes away the bass, leaving a dull, thin sound.”
Opposite of not omitting or disguising anything
“They received a cue to give either an honest or dishonest response when asked whether they knew the person in the photograph or not.”
Opposite of an exact, complete or whole number or figure
“Since we are trading stocks or futures, we can't have a fractional number of contracts.”
Opposite of having an edge that is not sharp
“Lynette took the sword in her own hand but hardly felt the pain in her fingers as the sharp blade sliced through her palm.”
Opposite of having the form of a circle
Opposite of having, or shaped with, a curve or curves
Opposite of having an excess of body fat
“I saw some stills of this kid in Euro this year, and he was looking extremely shredded.”
Opposite of open, honest, and direct in speech or expression, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters
Opposite of being round or spherical in shape
“Falling raindrops and other hydrometeors have, in general, nonspherical shapes and mean canting angles that are due to aerodynamic and gravitational forces.”
Opposite of expressing opinions or feelings freely or loudly
Opposite of speaking in an honest, forthright manner
Opposite of rotating or moving in a circular or helical manner
Opposite of having a harmonious sound
Opposite of shaped like a bead (small and round)
Opposite of being exact or precise in amount, number, or extent
“The central offices seem to control an imprecise number of administrative units made up of between 20 and 100 employees.”
Opposite of having an outline or surface that curves inwards like the interior of a circle or sphere
Opposite of sharply curved or having an angle
Opposite of forthright, direct or candid in nature
“When pressed on his whereabouts on the night of the transgression, Josh gave a vague and indirect response.”
Opposite of in the vicinity of
“This fact does not itself provide the only explanation of why such things were done precisely here.”
Opposite of everywhere throughout a given area or region
“Tequila comes from the state of Jalisco and is distilled from the juices of the blue agave, a cactus that only grows locally.”
Opposite of in, or towards, the opposite direction
“He felt light-hearted and elated, and proceeded straight to his friend's house.”
Opposite of almost or approximately in amount, degree or extent
“I paid you exactly what we agreed on. Take your money now and go!”
(a place, or object, also as preposition) Opposite of in every area or covering every aspect of
“There was nowhere to hide after he had backed himself into a corner.”
Opposite of from start to finish
“His long-winded speech just seemed to go on endlessly.”
(ahead) Opposite of in the opposite direction
“Keep going ahead and don't turn back! I will find you!”
(straight) Opposite of in the opposite direction
“If you keep walking straight, you will not miss it.”
Opposite of a circular or rounded piece of something
“My son thought it would be funny to draw a line on my new silk sheets with permanent markers.”
Opposite of a session of activity or work, typically involving movement
“The very idea of a permanent civil service is a recipe for inertia and stagnation.”
Opposite of a shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself, or something in this shape
“Our art teacher challenged us to draw a straight line without using a ruler.”
Opposite of something in the shape of a circle
“As I enter the large hall, I spot a line of shiny cutlery carefully laid out on the dining table.”
Opposite of a roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place
Opposite of a number of people or things of a similar kind following one after the other
Opposite of an organized competition or activity usually performed for the enjoyment of a mass of people
“Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic engaged in some funny banter during an exhibition that was organized on the eve of The Australian Open.”
Opposite of a sudden short bout of an illness or stress
“Probiotics can be used to provide defense against illnesses.”
Opposite of an instance of revolving
“There is an intermittent pause in between the rotations, which is relatively common in this process.”
Opposite of a distribution of playing cards during a game
Opposite of a continuous period of time
“For a brief moment, considering the embarrassing circumstances, I was pleased with my poised response.”
Opposite of a continuous period of a particular situation or condition
“Following her membership in the group, her household experienced a brief spurt of economic improvement.”
Opposite of a contest held to establish someone's, or something's, superiority or supremacy
“A sextet of artists come together in this unique collaboration, which is documented in a limited-edition book.”
Opposite of an event in which people compete, typically for amusement and for a prize
Opposite of to pass and go round (something)
“There's a break in the fence at some gates on the left side of the road after you pass the corner where the road changes its name.”
Opposite of to turn or bend away from a straight line or course
“The path will wind around the mountain pass and then straighten near the end.”
Opposite of to form or shape into a ball
“When you unroll the napkin, the spoon will have changed into a knife.”
Opposite of to form a ring or circle around
Opposite of to form, or cause to form, the curved shape of an arch
Opposite of to surround or encircle
Opposite of to move in a circle, especially around something
Opposite of to form a ring around
“Together with the Ranger force and the Armored Brigade, the 82nd Airborne Division followed the narrow road north from Maiori to flank the enemy defenses at Nocera from the west.”
Opposite of to arc, curve, or deviate from a course or straight line
“Colton would continue straight into the rushing water, where the rapids could pull it into the current.”
Opposite of to make smooth or glossy by applying surface pressure
“If you use gentle, non-abrasive cleaning agents, it will not scratch the finish of your car.”
Opposite of throughout the extent of (an area or space) within the given boundaries of
“Domestic photovoltaic systems are used only in households for lighting, water pumping, or low-power loads.”
Opposite of in the vicinity of
“I finish at 5.30 pm so I can meet you anytime after that.”
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