Opposite of advice or information, especially that which is given formally
Opposite of a conference between opposing sides in a dispute
Opposite of one who offers advice to others
Opposite of guidance offered with regard to prudent future action
“Not only did they not have his guidance, but they also were vulnerable to misguidance from unsavory characters.”
Opposite of information, typically having military, political or commercial value
“Where did we get this misinformation relating to the whereabouts of our targets?”
Opposite of someone whose job is to speak for someone's case in a court of law
“The defendant was given a regulated amount of time to plead his case.”
Opposite of an idea or plan put forward for consideration
Opposite of a stern reprimand or admonition
“Ross himself deserves special commendation for producing such a revealing record of these efforts.”
Opposite of members of a court of law or the legal profession, collectively
Opposite of a (formal) discussion on a particular matter where opposing arguments are put forward
“Often, politicians and administrators do not directly participate in a consensus.”
Opposite of to recommend (a course of action)
Opposite of to advise earnestly
Opposite of to discuss, converse, or exchange viewpoints on a particular matter
Opposite of to instruct or guide in a particular skill or field
Opposite of to discuss, converse, or exchange viewpoints on a particular matter
Opposite of to convince or manipulate
“The convenient rationalization that our weapons potpourri will confuse the enemy into fear of misbehaving is absurd and threatening.”
Opposite of to offer a recommendation
Opposite of to put forward for consideration
“In this case, I conceive the plaintiff must be nonsuited and I should disadvise the bringing of any such action.”
Opposite of to advise or suggest (something) as a course of action
“No one should discommend teaching future citizens to think critically and to subject orthodoxies and truisms to rigorous examination.”
Opposite of to act as someone's mentor
“That success was short-lived, as his time with the grappling arts began to hinder his career.”
Opposite of to convince, or cause to believe, through reason or argument
“The imposed penalties would certainly deter them from engaging in the trafficking of narcotics.”
Opposite of to discuss a given topic among a group
(speak to) Opposite of to talk to in order to reprove or advise
“Commend your children for the things they do right.”
Opposite of to provide advice or tutelage to
“Now, what possible end can be served by books like these, except to misguide and misinform?”
Opposite of to give advice and instruction
“The supervisor was jealous of his underling and would constantly try to undermine her.”
Opposite of to persuade or convince someone not to do something
Opposite of to represent or deal with in a particular way, in writing or speaking
“I want to briefly discuss two TV examples, just because these two shows, in particular, mishandle the subject in a certain way.”
Related Words and Phrases