Opposite of a sight or prospect, typically of attractive natural scenery, that can be taken in by the eye from a particular place
Opposite of a close look at, or over, someone or something to make a judgment
Opposite of an opinion, belief, or way of looking at things
Opposite of the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information
“Official reaction was one of complete incomprehension as to how such a thing could even happen.”
Opposite of an assertion, especially one maintained in an argument
Opposite of an idea or a statement believed or assumed to be true
Opposite of a point of view from which something is seen, presented or approached
Opposite of a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true
Opposite of a brief or hurried look
Opposite of something which exists only as an idea
Opposite of a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
“To my knowledge, there is only one place in his published writings where Berkeley responds directly to this challenge.”
Opposite of a general opinion or view among the members of a given group or community
Opposite of a quick, furtive or casual look
“Caroline merely tucked a curl behind her ear and withered him with a stare she had studied from Margaret Thatcher until he wilted completely.”
Opposite of mental acceptance of a claim as true
“Until recently, hippotherapy has been met with skepticism from a medical community demanding hard science rather than anecdotal evidence.”
Opposite of authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice
Opposite of a view or prospect
“We reached the summit of the mountain, but the mist was heavy and we could not see through the fogginess.”
Opposite of an opinion or assessment on the nature, character, or quality of something
“I am appalled at your indifference towards a matter of such importance.”
Opposite of a particular way of thinking, influenced by a person's profession or environment
Opposite of the position or interests of one person or group, especially in opposition to others
Opposite of critical observation or examination
Opposite of a plan or drawing of the function or workings of something to be produced
“Please tell me how I can use what looks like just a bunch of scribble on a piece of paper.”
Opposite of an intention for which something is hoped to be accomplished
“Their indifference may be due to the fact that they see the sheer pointlessness of this program.”
Opposite of the pictorial aspect of a country or land
“We enjoyed a romantic candlelit dinner at a restaurant that afforded us a beautiful view of the skyscape.”
Opposite of a brief summary, as of a book or a presentation
“I can't wait to dive into the details of this report.”
Opposite of the faculty or state of being able to see
“She runs the place for her father, whose blindness forced him into retirement.”
Opposite of serious thought or consideration
“They moved with heedlessness and dreamlike courage towards the doom they had so assiduously courted.”
Opposite of a place of interest or wonder, especially to tourists and visitors
Opposite of a person's point of view or attitude towards something
Opposite of to look at or inspect
Opposite of to direct one's gaze
“Trying to remain inconspicuous, she would avert any passersby as she walked through the city.”
Opposite of to consider or deem to have a given value or quality
Opposite of to see or notice
“How did you miss that? It was the single best shot ever made!”
Opposite of to have a belief or opinion about something, sometimes irrationally
“I will distrust in the existence of any deity until science has proven otherwise.”
Opposite of to consider or regard somebody or something as
“We will disregard his status as a citizen of this country, and then prosecute him for treasonous activities against our nation.”
Opposite of to take a brief or hurried look at someone or something
(somewhat rare) Opposite of to inspect or look at closely
“Having located the page, they would skim the page quickly until the relevant passage was located.”
Opposite of to analyze or view in a certain way
“It is possible to misinterpret the worsening of symptoms as an exacerbation of multiple sclerosis.”
Opposite of to have as a belief or opinion
“He and his employers refute accusations that his style of investigation constitutes entrapment.”
Opposite of to fix one's gaze on something or someone
“We could not help but look away from the wreck that was before us.”
Opposite of to regard as an opinion
“As you freely allow that scoundrel to express his opinions, I can no longer sit idly by and withhold mine.”
Opposite of to place something or someone in a particular context
Opposite of to hold an opinion
“I doubt that the president should be spending so much time on social media.”
Related Words and Phrases