Opposite of the core or basis for something
Opposite of the central aspect of something an argument or consideration
“As a sidenote, I want to mention that this is no contradiction to McLuhan's famous statement.”
Opposite of general or basic truths, concepts or ideas
Opposite of a complicated or baffling situation or thing
Opposite of the principal aspect or dimension of something
“This distinction remains on the surface of the problem and does not contribute much to an understanding of the differences in the social development of feebleminded individuals.”
(usually used in plural form "essentials") Opposite of a fundamental element or characteristic
“Frankly, I find the minutia of everyday life much more interesting than the glaring important life-changing events that shape our lives.”
Opposite of the vital part or essence of something
“Welfare is no longer an auxiliary to the ongoing economic life of the people but has become almost their total economic existence.”
Opposite of a critical state of affairs requiring urgent action
Opposite of the principal aspect or dimension of something
“We have concentrated only on the periphery of the problem, and perhaps even tried to eliminate some of the symptoms, but the interference problem is still there.”
Opposite of a crucial or decisive point or situation
“God would bring mine and Ron's life to a place of certainty, a place free of drugs and insanity.”
Opposite of the embodiment or core of something
“The reserved introvert was always the antithesis of the party.”
Opposite of something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain
“He proposed a simple explanation for the inconsistency between lab observations and what was actually occurring in the field.”
Related Words and Phrases