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What is the opposite of bridle?

Need antonyms for bridle? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of a means used or imposed to restrict or control something
Opposite of a thing that prevents or is intended to prevent someone from doing something
Opposite of a thick rope of wire or hemp used for construction, mooring ships, and towing vehicles
Opposite of a means of control or restraint
“To be maximally effective, early detection in primary care and facilitation of help-seeking in the wider community must also be addressed.”
Opposite of a restriction on the size or amount of something permissible or possible
“The low pricing and optimum performance enable users to enjoy the power, flexibility, and limitlessness of cloud computing.”
Opposite of a check or restraint on something
Opposite of to curb or control the progress or movement of something
Opposite of to make less powerful or intense, thereby easier to control
“In an ancient era, twin girls are raised as boys to prevent their wizard father from sacrificing them to intensify his supernatural powers.”
Opposite of to overcome or bring under control
Opposite of to restrain or to keep in check
Free yourself from the tyranny of emotional baggage, and you will be able to move on.”
Opposite of to regulate the speed or amount of something given or administered
“Do not rush the amount of information that you provide to the learner at any one time.”
Opposite of to become excitedly upset or angry
Opposite of to prevail or gain control over
“Socrates tries, at least, to forestall the possibility that they will be led by their hope for immortality to succumb to the temptation of misology.”
Opposite of to set, or to serve as, a limit to
“If you ignore the warnings and choose to exceed the speed limit, you put yourself and everyone else on the road at risk.”
Opposite of to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level
“He would take deep breaths as a coping mechanism when negative thoughts and feelings were threatening to get out of control.”
Opposite of to overcome or defeat
“Hank was really determined to not yield to pressure from the media to quit.”
Opposite of to hold back or suppress (an emotion, expression of emotion, or utterance)
(of an expression) Opposite of to keep from exceeding an acceptable degree or level
“You could see that he was starting to lose his cool after making some uncharacteristic unforced errors.”
Opposite of to put in an unfavorable position in relation to someone or something else
“She had a practical view on how political stability would benefit economic progress.”
Opposite of to place a harness on, such as a horse to a carriage
Opposite of to bring someone or something under control
“They give free rein to their children, and it is not surprising that they exhibit behaviors of entitlement and erratic temperament.”
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