A lawn game related to croquet, played with heavy balls, large-headed cues called tacks
Plural for any wheeled vehicle used to move goods or cargo
“Later on, in the afternoon, a large truck carrying large panels of fencing pulled into the backyard.”
Plural for the exchange of one thing for another
“The votes for president would be offered in truck for votes for vice president.”
(archaic, informal) Plural for small wares, often for sale or barter
“They had lemonade and gingerbread to sell, and piles of watermelons and green corn and such-like truck.”
Plural for social or commercial intercourse, dealings or relations
“We have no truck with anyone of their ilk.”
Plural for refuse, waste or garbage that has been, or will be, discarded
Plural for a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine
Plural for a shallow open container on wheels that may be pulled or pushed by hand
Plural for a vehicle equipped for living in
Plural for a plant, or the edible part of a plant
To trade or barter in a given commodity
“It is men who purchase and who truck, barter and exchange the buffaloes.”
To take or carry something from one place to another
To bring or transport to another place
To give (one thing) and receive something else in exchange
To pull or drag along through the application of steady force
To move or proceed upon some course or way
To develop gradually
Related Words and Phrases