To set apart for a special use
“Congress pork-barrel spends and earmarks all of this money while we have enlisted families on food stamps.”
To hope for, or aspire to, a goal or dream
To determine the future or the fate of something in advance
To be frugal and not spend one's money
To assign to someone or for a particular purpose
To appoint or specify as a selection
To mark out and make known
To select as an object of attention or attack
To attribute or ascribe a property, quality or value to someone or something
To reveal or mark out as having a particular quality or ability
To label with one's name or brand
Plural for a characteristic or identifying feature
“That was an earmark of the way I approached electronics.”
Plural for a symbol which indicates a certain identity, product, service to the public
Plural for a patch or other object that indicates a person's official or military rank, or membership in a group or organization
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