Opposite of a piece of work or assignment to be done or undertaken
Opposite of an instruction, command, or role given to a person or group
Opposite of a journey undertaken to accomplish some task
Opposite of the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation
“Most users click the introduction link, further validating the uselessness of flash screens.”
Opposite of a test of someone's abilities or internal fortitude
“It was an easy project that was a cinch to manage.”
Opposite of an organized activity involving a number of people
Opposite of a thing which one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal obligation
“She stated that her debilitating physical disability was grounds for work exemption.”
(nothing) Opposite of a responsibility or duty assigned to someone
“His hands had been in his pockets, and he looked like he was up to no good, but, in reality, he was up to nothing.”
(dereliction) Opposite of a responsibility or duty assigned to someone
“They've dropped the cowardice charges, but he's going to be charged with dereliction of duty.”
Opposite of something asked or asked for
“Your ask is that I lend you my lawnmower for the evening, and my response is that I will be needing it during that time.”
Opposite of a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade
“More than a few antiques dealers start out as indefatigable collectors who make the decision to turn their avocation into a vocation.”
Opposite of an activity that is natural to or the purpose of a person or thing
“At times the pointlessness of the whole jingbang irritates me, to be part of this circular joke.”
(computing) Opposite of an executable task or program
“The computer is broken so this will now have to be a manual task.”
Opposite of a heavy burden of responsibility or obligation
Opposite of the state of being difficult or bothersome
“Sarah managed to complete the challenging puzzle with ease.”
Opposite of a burden of responsibility that is imposed
“It would be a pleasure to have you over for dinner.”
Opposite of to oppress with severe or excessive burdens
Opposite of to bestow legal or official authority to
Opposite of to assign a task, duty or responsibility to someone
“He was deemed unfit to have a pet, and it was thus prudent to remove the dog from his care.”
Opposite of to assign a responsibility, duty, or task to
“Allow me to release some of these tasks to disburden you.”
Opposite of to arrange for something to belong to, or be officially controlled by, somebody else
“Public lands presently under the state, county, or municipal ownership could be expected to retain the existing administration and management.”
Opposite of to (excessively) exert for a particular task, purpose or goal
Opposite of to burden, load or encumber with
Opposite of to give an authoritative or peremptory order
“I wondered why he would ask me to take out the rubbish when he himself had nothing else on his agenda.”
Opposite of to pressure or make heavy demands on
“I rub her toes and try to relax her while she rants about her day at work.”
Related Words and Phrases