To have made something into something else
“I changed the design of the website as it was out of date.”
To have guided or escorted
“Prior to this, the usher had shown me to my seat.”
To have designed with a new shape or form
“Our graphic designer created a new layout for the website.”
Opposite of past tense for to ignore or pay no attention to someone or something
Opposite of past tense for to be anxious or concerned
“I have now learned to disregard matters which are of no importance.”
Opposite of past tense for to take part or interfere in something, typically to prevent or alter a result or course of events
“Maria tried to ignore the bickering couple as she picked the strawberries from the adjacent vines.”
Opposite of past tense for to completely alter the form of
Opposite of past tense for to drive spiritually or urge someone on
“I wouldn't want to discourage them, but I would urge caution and some sensible risk assessment.”
Opposite of past tense for to copy or create (the same thing) again, potentially with a variation
Opposite of past tense for to engage in an unproductive activity
Opposite of past tense for to seize or capture someone or an animal
Opposite of past tense for to physically go along with
“My pet dog was strange in that he preferred to stay indoors and would always avoid me whenever I wanted to go for a walk outside.”
Opposite of past tense for to subject (someone) to constant scoldings or harassment
“Can you just leave in peace, the boy who is sitting next to you?”
(of an event or activity) Opposite of past tense for to make arrangements or preparations for
Opposite of past tense for to examine through the sense of touch
“The shop assistant tried to get her to ignore the superior fabric of the handbag because she would not have purchased it anyway.”
Opposite of past tense for to fiddle, tamper or play with something
“Put the coins on the table and leave them alone.”
Opposite of past tense for to physically attack ferociously and wound
“They can be very dangerous, but like most reef animals, they will probably ignore you if you leave them alone.”
(usually in the negative) Opposite of past tense for to attend to or deal with
“I am not prepared to excuse or disregard this matter even if the defendant asks for it to be dealt with in isolation.”
Opposite of past tense for to bully in an intimidating, bossy, or supercilious way
“He used a combination of intimidation and hearsay evidence to browbeat the accused.”
Opposite of past tense for to advise earnestly
Opposite of past tense for to legally care for another's child
“He could not abandon his dog, and he roamed once more down into the misty valley, whistling softly and with great caution a repetition of two notes.”
Opposite of past tense for to study or check into thoroughly
“The media would largely ignore Hayden's claim of being attacked by someone who was displeased by his attire.”
Opposite of past tense for to get rid of or destroy
Opposite of past tense for to implant or ingrain, literally or into one's consciousness
Opposite of past tense for to introduce (something) between other things
Opposite of past tense for to scheme or plot, typically in a manipulative or deceitful manner
Opposite of past tense for to act as a mediator in a dispute
Opposite of past tense for to scare or cause to feel fear
Opposite of past tense for to remove or take out, especially with effort or force
Opposite of past tense for to teach in a biased, one-sided, or uncritical manner
Opposite of past tense for to underhandedly manipulate something or someone
Opposite of past tense for to affect without completely changing
Opposite of past tense for to move, or cause to move, in a wavelike motion
Opposite of past tense for to move very slowly (towards something)
Opposite of past tense for to suggest or indicate something indirectly
Opposite of past tense for to put down or control by cruelty or force
Opposite of past tense for to gain access or entry into
“The dog would chew through the screen door and exit the house.”
Opposite of past tense for to cause anguish or distress to
Opposite of past tense for to persuade or use influence on
Opposite of past tense for to declare loudly, openly or publicly
Opposite of past tense for to force or oblige (someone) to act
Opposite of past tense for to cover or enclose in cloth or soft material
Opposite of past tense for to push roughly
Opposite of past tense for to intrude or interfere on a conversation or activity
Opposite of past tense for to imply, or to be an indirect sign or indication of
Opposite of past tense for to investigate or snoop around in someone else's business
Opposite of past tense for to ask someone earnestly or humbly
Opposite of past tense for to limit, restrict, or inhibit the degree or level of
Opposite of past tense for to search blindly or uncertainly by feeling with the hands
Opposite of past tense for to convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another
Opposite of past tense for to follow or chase after
“At that point, Siringo was ordered to abandon the chase and proceed to Montana.”
Opposite of past tense for to attack or bombard with bombs or artillery
Opposite of past tense for to provide a refund or recompense
Opposite of past tense for to make secret plans, typically underhandedly and jointly with others
Opposite of past tense for to make small or restless movements, especially through nervousness or impatience
Opposite of past tense for to handle a substance physically with the intent of creating a desired form
Opposite of past tense for to take over the place, position, or role of
Opposite of past tense for to encircle and hem in, typically in a hostile fashion
Opposite of past tense for to put (something) to use
Opposite of past tense for to have an effect or influence on, especially a negative one
Opposite of past tense for to move, demolish, or flatten with a bulldozer
Opposite of past tense for to attack by force, typically to gain control of
Opposite of past tense for to mix up or agitate the contents of
Opposite of past tense for to cause to be amazed or excited
Opposite of past tense for to annoy or irritate
Opposite of past tense for to interfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of
Opposite of past tense for to influence or induce someone to believe or do something
Opposite of past tense for to make less extreme or uncompromising
Opposite of past tense for to delay or postpone
Opposite of past tense for to jerk, shake or vibrate suddenly or violently
Opposite of past tense for to recompense or award someone in return for something done or given
Opposite of past tense for to deceive or cause to believe what is untrue
Opposite of past tense for to be a sign or symbol of
Opposite of past tense for to have significance or be influential in a matter or decision
Opposite of past tense for to administer, implement, or carry out
Opposite of past tense for to make more beautiful or attractive by adorning or decorating
Opposite of past tense for to take charge of, or to make decisions about
Opposite of past tense for to lean or bend at an angle
Opposite of past tense for to (attempt to) influence, persuade or pressure someone, typically politically
Opposite of past tense for to fill or crowd around or into a place or area
Opposite of past tense for to yield, surrender or give up
Opposite of past tense for to take action or do something
Opposite of past tense for to exploit or take advantage of an opportunity for personal gain or profit
Opposite of past tense for to wake, or cause to wake, from sleep
Opposite of past tense for to move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance
Opposite of past tense for to injure or hurt by twisting a body part
Opposite of past tense for to think about or explore in detail