Opposite of having been subjected to oppression
Opposite of oppressed, persecuted or subjugated at the hands of another
Opposite of in a state of unhappiness or despondency
Opposite of mentally or emotionally demoralized
Opposite of in pain or suffering due to maltreatment
“Her loving parents had ensured she was always protected and safe from harm.”
Opposite of intimidated or overwhelmed by an overbearing significant other
Opposite of oppressed, persecuted or subjugated
Opposite of oppressed or subjugated, especially by a tyrannical authority
Opposite of consumed by stress, worry or anxiety
Opposite of to be worn down by negative emotions
“Jeremy felt inspired by the purity of his son's enthusiasm.”
Opposite of lacking in enthusiasm
“In my experience children become quite involved with the details of their imagery and are enthusiastic to share these with others.”
Opposite of having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
Opposite of past tense for to put down or control by cruelty or force
Opposite of past tense for to cause distress or anxiety to
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