Opposite of the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something
“They gave Brian a complicated girth formula whereby he had to double the length by the smaller height after he triangulated the hypotenuse on the third side.”
Opposite of a point, especially the lowest point, far below the surface
“I play the ball toward the front of my stance, under my left eye, with the ball at the apex of the curve.”
Opposite of a great, or all-encompassing, range or scope
“The limitation of his mathematical skills has never been more cruelly exposed than on a quiz show.”
Opposite of complexity and intricacy, especially of thought or ideas
“Peter appears to compliment the depth and grandeur of upper-class London society but is really ridiculing others by exposing their pettiness and the shallowness of their conversations.”
Opposite of intelligence or insight, especially in one's ideas or thoughts
“It just about sums up the abhorrent ignorance of his comment, and it is a pathetically fawning display unbecoming of any rational adult.”
Opposite of a level of intensity, such as of color
“Reasonably clear liquid media means that the liquid drained from the fruit cocktail is reasonably bright in color without any tinge of pink color or dullness of color.”
Opposite of the dimensions, amount, or extent of something
Opposite of great depth of insight or knowledge
Opposite of the size, length, or amount of something, as established by measuring
Opposite of the furthest or most extreme point or limit of something
Opposite of the quality of being ferocious
Opposite of the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant
Opposite of intensity or vehemence in a feeling or belief
“One can only mask any irresolution in one's beliefs for only so long.”
Opposite of great forcefulness or intensity of feeling or expression
Opposite of great depth or intensity of a state, quality, or emotion
Opposite of the measure of an object's width, depth or breadth
Opposite of the length of the space between two points
“There is here no question as to how or where the physical connection of the roads shall be made, for that has already been done at the place.”
Opposite of an abrupt or steep fall or slope
“Just below it leaned a tottering crag that would have toppled, starting an avalanche on an acclivity where no sliding mass could stop.”
The highest or most extreme level or amount
“A lady of the utmost integrity, Celia commanded the height of regard and respect throughout the region.”
Opposite of the terminal point or boundary of an area or movement
“Located in the center of the city, the gallery will regularly display about 50 to 70 pieces from its collection.”
Opposite of the highest or most extreme degree of something
“They were half a year into the investigation and they had barely scratched the base of it.”
Opposite of a point or position on the inside or core of something
“A moat also runs around the outside of the city, giving it something of an exotic feel.”
(the thick) Opposite of the most active or crowded part of something
“He walked into the room and felt dispirited when he saw the idleness of his students.”
Related Words and Phrases