Opposite of the process of abbreviating a text or written work
Opposite of a concise version of something, especially a text
Opposite of a brief statement or account of the main points of something
“She is a master of exposition and description, with a ready ear for a telling anecdote.”
Opposite of a general description or plan showing the essential features of something but without the detail
Opposite of a summary of the contents of a book, article, or speech
“The defendant was required to provide the contents of the email in its entirety.”
Opposite of a brief summary, as of a book or a presentation
“I can't wait to dive into the details of this report.”
Opposite of a brief summary of something presented
“I request a full transcript of the conversation I had with the operator regarding my bill.”
Opposite of to make a precis of (a text or speech)
Opposite of to rearrange or reorganize by reduction or summarization
Opposite of to condense or conflate so as to occupy less space or time
Opposite of to express in a shorter form
Opposite of to make a written summary of (an article or book)
“The journalist would press him again to detail the contents of the agreement.”
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