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What is the noun for subjected?

What's the noun for subjected? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. (grammar) In a clause: the word or word group (usually a noun phrase) that is dealt with. In active clauses with verbs denoting an action, the subject and the actor are usually the same.
  2. An actor; one who takes action.
  3. The main topic of a paper, work of art, discussion, field of study, etc.
  4. A particular area of study.
  5. A citizen in a monarchy.
  6. A person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority.
  7. (music) The main theme or melody, especially in a fugue.
  8. A human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined, treated, analysed, etc.
  9. (philosophy) A being that has subjective experiences, subjective consciousness, or a relationship with another entity.
  10. (logic) That of which something is stated.
  11. Synonyms:
  12. Examples:
    1. “Let's endeavor to stick to the subject at hand to avoid derailing this discussion.”
      “Our subject will be force-fed a diet based purely on bananas, after which we will conduct a thorough analysis and report our findings.”
      “Unfortunately, most teachers can only effectively teach those who can grasp the subject being taught.”
  1. The condition or state of being a subject.
  2. (linguistics) The condition or state of a word or expression, such as a noun phrase, being the subject of a sentence.
  3. (political science) The condition or state of a person being a subject of a nation or a monarch.
  4. Examples:
    1. “We begin to narrativize our lives through our accoutrements, through our objects, as if they are the constitutive elements of subjecthood.”
      “It is a device of subjecthood, not citizenship.”
      “The old language of subjecthood no longer has deep resonance.”
  1. (metaphysics) The doctrine that reality is created or shaped by the mind.
  2. (epistemology) The doctrine that knowledge is based in feelings or intuition
  3. (ethics) The doctrine that values and moral principles come from attitudes, convention, whim, or preference.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “The breakthrough toward subjectivism is indeed compelling but rationalism was not finished yet for all that.”
      “This New Age subjectivism and relativism encourage people to believe that reality is whatever you want it to be.”
      “There are important differences between Protagoras' relativism and the Cyrenaics ' subjectivism.”
  1. (grammar) The act or process of subjectivizing; the process of change by which words develop a subjective in place of or alongside an objective sense.
  2. The process of making something subjective rather than objective.
  1. The act of bringing something under the control of something else.
  2. The state of being subjected.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “They propose to cross the frontier for no better reason than to aggrandize themselves and to prolong the subjection of their own population.”
      “God's kingdom is one of fatherly and motherly compassion, not dominating majesty or slavish subjection.”
      “Technically Roman slaves were the property, the chattels, of their owners, held in a state of total subjection.”
  1. Abbreviation of subject.
  2. Abbreviation of subjunctive.
  3. Examples:
    1. “Few writers are able to demythologize historical icons while retaining a substantive empathy for their subj ect's humanity and achievement.”
  1. (singular only) The state of being subjective.
  2. A subjective thought or idea.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “Bauer's late critique assimilated Hegel with Spinoza and the metaphysics of substance, understood as the negation of form and subjectivity.”
      “For some at least, this recognition would produce a psychological rift, a split subjectivity imploding with the violent impact of sameness.”
      “The personal majesty of the monarch, as the final subjectivity of decision, is above all answerability for acts of government.”
  1. (philosophy) One skilled in subjective philosophy; a subjectivist.
  1. The quality of being subject or subordinate.
  1. The process of turning subjective.
  2. Examples:
    1. “Freud gives the example of the army as an analogous macrostructure of supra-individual subjectivation.”
  1. One who subscribes to subjectivism
  1. The quality of being subjective.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The subjectiveness of her judgement was evident when she favored her personal opinion over the objective facts.”
      “The subjectiveness of the thinking, as of the satisfaction, is obviously deliberate.”
      “Therefore the information obtained depends on the subjectiveness of the probability values, which is not very desirable.”
  1. The process of subjectifying.
  2. Examples:
    1. “It investigates the ways that society deals with technology in its material, social, and subjectification aspects.”
      “The subjectification of the beloved in Petrarchan lyric entails the internalization of a feminine image, an eidolon rather than an objectively real presence.”
      “This constitutes not only a matrix of subjectification, but it also implies an alternative political relationship, where obedience, as the reverse of command, goes hand in hand with an assumption of responsibility.”
  1. someone or something that subjects
  1. Alternative form of subjecter
  1. plural of subjectivization
  1. plural of subjectification
  1. plural of subjectivation
  1. plural of subjectivist
  2. Examples:
    1. “I dub the proponents of the first view subjectivists, and those of the latter view objectivists.”
      “This realization has allowed modern day ethicists to resolve the traditional debate between objectivists and subjectivists.”
      “This essay argues that subjectivists have erred in accepting a desiderative theory of valuing.”
  1. plural of subjectivity
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Novels are narratives of private life that they turn inward, forming subjectivities that occlude or mystify the political.”
      “These subjectivities have led to the critical dismissal of Maoriland literature.”
      “A diversity of masculine subjectivities is mobilized around and through Spike as he comes to terms with challenges to his power.”
  1. plural of subjectist
  1. plural of subjecter
  1. plural of subjector
  1. plural of subj
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