Technically Roman slaves were the property, the chattels, of their owners, held in a state of total subjection. |
God's kingdom is one of fatherly and motherly compassion, not dominating majesty or slavish subjection. |
The members of a Christiancommunity situate themselves in dialogue, rich in tensions and questioning, between liberty and subjection. |
Although Thurman's character ultimately triumphs, the most memorable sequences by far involve her humiliation, subjection and abuse at the hands of three tormentors. |
No critique of dominance or subjection, certainly not of objectification, can be grounded in a vision of reality in which all sense perceptions are just sense perceptions. |
Harlech, standing proudly upon the cliff edge that used to form the coastline, seems to best represent the symbolism of subjection that Edward I intended. |
Education meant the inculcation of truths as dogmas, the institutionalization of habits of obedience, the subjection of the individual to the community. |
Long-term subjection to water loads requires water-resistant adhesives or sealants. |
But there is an even deeper inconsistency between those ideals and the subjection of every other society on earth to mass surveillance. |
This model is specially designed for the production of elastic cords to be used as mask subjection for medical applications. |
It will mean the subjection of research to the commands and needs of businesses and a reduction in the state's contribution. |
Rather, they propose to cross the frontier for no better reason than to aggrandize themselves and to prolong the subjection of their own population. |
Insufficiency here discloses the subjection inherent to super-nature and, in so doing, interpellates the spectator in a grieving of the spectacle. |
Normally any subjection of a Contracting Party's obligations under an international treaty to its national legislation is somewhat suspect. |
They make it complicated in an attempt to maintain the people of Quebec in a state of subjection. |
That system must be condemned for what it was: a systematic enterprise of subjection and despoilment. |
The elimination of every impediment to takeover bids would amount in the end to the subjection of firms to instability. |
I love to follow them, but not so cowardly, as my life remaine thereby in subjection. |
The ghosts of Foucault and RD Laing attend Kubrick's vision of the state's economy of violence: how criminal aberrance is countered with clinical, scientific subjection. |
Illustrations thereof are the institutions of the polders and wateringues and, mero particularly, the subjection of non-navigable and non-floatable waters to private water use rights exclusively and not to appropriation. |
This gives originto the exasperated search to be legitimized in dialogue or often in the subjection to the philosophies and epistemologies in fashion. |
In his national jurisdiction the determination of jurisdiction or subjection to arbitration could always be made ex post facto, in other words, after the events that had given rise to the dispute. |
Marriage involves no subjection on the part of the woman. |
The subjection of the high seas to the rule of international law is organized and implemented by means of a permanent legal relationship between ships flying a particular flag and the State whose flag they fly. |
The Sixth VAT Directive calls for subjection to the tax of services provided by public authorities where a doing otherwise would give rise to significant distortions of competition. |
It is not certain that this subjection ended in 685, although this is usually assumed to be the case. |
The crops were gathered, Albazin was refortified with earthen walls and efforts were made to bring the natives back into subjection. |
By now near to drowning in complicity and subjection, I obeyed. |
Around 1594 most of them fled back to the Aga and Nerchinsk in order to escape subjection by the Daurs. |
This area is set to include all of the Republic of Ireland's international waters in 2020 culminating in all of Western Europe's subjection to the MARPOL directive. |
By mirroring his movements as he encircles her, the shot, with its suggestion of ensnarement and confinement, prefigures his reducing her to a state of utter subjection. |