Adverb for small in size, physique or stature
“The ego is dwarfed and made to feel small and puny, but the soul leaps out of its human encasement and ecstatically unites with the greater world.”
Adverb for weak, lacking in strength
“A powerfully-built young man, handcuffed, will feel how puny and weak he is when faced with law and the power of authority.”
Adverb for small or paltry in amount
“One need only compare the puny resources at the disposal of NEH when the late Barnaby Keeney was chairman with the resources NEH can marshall today.”
(in size) Adverb for very small in size
Adverb for thin or haggard, especially from hunger or disease
Adverb for lacking spirit or vitality
Adverb for senselessly futile or unsuccessful
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