Comparative for able to withstand strain or hardship
“He should emerge strong, tough, lean, and hardened from his ordeal.”
Comparative for strengthened or made secure against attack
“The commandos presented an insignificant threat provided that they could retreat into the safety of the hardened fortress.”
Comparative for familiar or learned through experience or use
“As for Annie, I'm sure a lady of her experience is hardened to having strange things.”
Comparative for showing a lack of feeling or reaction to something, especially from overexposure
“This was a society hardened to the horrors of war. Yet recovery was possible.”
Comparative for having a tendency to do something in a habitual or compulsive manner
“I didn't look upon myself as a hardened liar, merely someone who covered over the truth.”
Comparative for stubbornly, and usually unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
“He knew that when a hardened cynic such as he meets an innocent such as she, it is always the cynic who withers, because the cynic privately wishes he could be the innocent, but the innocent never wishes to be the cynic.”
Comparative for cold or lacking in emotion or sentimentality
“Instead of reaching out to embrace the world with affection and concern, one turns away, hardened and uncaring.”
Comparative for showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
“Did he judge Henry to be a goodwilled but mistaken monarch, or a hardened tyrant beyond help?”
Comparative for firmly established and unlikely to change, especially of a habit or belief
Comparative for experienced, especially in terms of a profession or a hobby
Comparative for feeling or showing no sorrow or regret for wrongdoing
Comparative for physically strengthened or protected against attacks
Comparative for morally degenerate or unprincipled
Comparative for having or showing shrewdness and good judgment, especially through worldly experience
Comparative for experiencing or showing doubt or skepticism
(of an object or food) Comparative for free from moisture or liquid
Comparative for belligerent or troublesome in nature
Comparative for baked by the heat of the sun
Comparative for decaying or no longer fresh