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What is another word for wilder?

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Comparative for not civilized, typically with implications of a savage or violent nature
“It is intriguing to think of how Man has developed to this day from its once wild origins.”
(of animals) Comparative for wild and feral, without taming or domestication
“David has been documenting the behavior of wild animals in their natural habitat for decades.”
(especially of plants) Comparative for uninhabited or cultivated
Wild flowers and plants dot the barren landscape.”
Comparative for showing an urgent desire or interest
“The kids were wild with excitement at the prospect of watching a movie featuring T'Challa and his exploits in Wakanda.”
Comparative for characterized, or marked, by much busy (or stressful) activity
“Eliza was tired after a rather wild day at work.”
Comparative for not based on sound reasoning or probability
“Jessie made the wild decision to pay two men to attack him as a publicity stunt.”
Comparative for having a curious, strange or eccentric nature
“He presented a wild theory about how the French can gorge on fatty foods yet maintain a low incidence of coronary heart disease.”
Comparative for having, or characterized by, great anger or rage
“Your mother is going to be wild when she finds out you're playing video games instead of doing your homework.”
Comparative for marked by turmoil or disturbance, especially of natural elements
“We are expecting wild weather in the west as major storms pour down on already saturated areas.”
Comparative for lacking discipline or restraint
“When a star known for being wild reveals she is going to be a mom, the world usually trembles with fear.”
Comparative for barren and devoid of inhabitants
“Beneath the haunting image is a rugged and wild landscape that remains my source of inspiration.”
Comparative for teeming with plant or natural life
“Explorers are keen to discover new lifeforms within the wild forest.”
Comparative for having an untidy appearance
“Yoko talked incessantly during the interview, small and fierce under her wild black hair.”
Comparative for arbitrary in nature
“He remains stony-faced, but I will hazard a wild guess that he is unhappy with the situation.”
(wild about) Comparative for having feelings of passion for (someone or something)
“I would come on to some guy, just for a laugh, pretending I was wild about him.”
To confuse or confound with something surprising or shocking
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