Opposite of not expected, anticipated or foreseen
Opposite of not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning
Opposite of very unpredictable and unexpected
“Your calls are so predictable that you'll never be a competent poker player.”
Opposite of sudden and unexpected in nature
Opposite of happening or done before the usual or expected time
“She was a late bloomer as she experienced a major growth spurt in the latter years of her university life.”
Opposite of not expected, anticipated or foreseen
Opposite of random or unexpected in nature
Opposite of inconveniently unexpected or unforeseen
Opposite of happening or done before the normal or expected time
Opposite of describing a surprising result
“We were very unsurprised by the predictable results.”
Opposite of concealed, surprising, and unanticipated
Opposite of abrupt or unexpected in nature
“The fact that he isn't quite as good looking as he thinks he is will dawn on him in a gradual manner.”
Opposite of deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected
Related Words and Phrases