(avoidable) Opposite of certain to happen
“Failure is avoidable if you take the necessary precautions.”
(uncertain) Opposite of certain to happen
“While Paige is recovering from a neck injury, her future with the company is uncertain.”
(unlikely) Opposite of certain to happen
“It is not impossible but highly unlikely that you will win the lottery.”
Opposite of bound to happen
Opposite of fated or inevitable (that something happens or is the case)
Opposite of to be reasonably expected
Opposite of always right or accurate
Opposite of happening by natural laws or predestination
Opposite of occurring as a natural and inevitable consequence
Opposite of able to be relied on or trusted
“What a pity that Ms. Evans' information comes from such an unreliable source.”
(of an action, decision, etc.) Opposite of expected or sensible under the circumstances
“That was an unexpected reaction from such a mild-mannered child.”
Opposite of becoming evident after a relatively long time period
(of a person) Opposite of destined to hold a specified position
“The wife of the former president would reminisce fondly of the good old days when she was revered as the first lady.”
Opposite of fixed or not subject to alteration
Opposite of as expected, or reasonable
“It is unreasonable for you to fear what does not exist.”
Related Words and Phrases