Opposite of a group of people gathered together
Opposite of a collection of things, typically considered as a unit
Opposite of a large amount or quantity (of something)
Opposite of a large, densely packed crowd of people or animals
Opposite of a unit, grouping or configuration of things
Opposite of a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for mutual protection or cooperation
Opposite of things that are brought together by chance or by design
“She piled the clothes together into a single lump.”
Opposite of the effective center of an activity, region, or network
A large unit of things or people
“The chip giant could have redesigned the motherboards, but instead has decided to recall the whole caboodle.”
Opposite of a large number of similar things coming in quick succession
Opposite of a quantity or sum, usually large
“People under stress often use the first solution that comes to mind or complain of a lack of solutions.”
Opposite of to form a cluster or group
Opposite of to pack or fill very tightly
Opposite of to squeeze or fasten tightly
Opposite of to meet or gather together and prepare for action
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