Opposite of a small round or roundish mark, differing in color or texture from the surface around it
Opposite of a problematic situation that is difficult or impossible to escape
Opposite of a small quantity of something
Opposite of a very small trace of something
Opposite of a small amount of something, especially a light coating or layer (such as of paint)
Opposite of a very small or insignificant amount
Opposite of a tiny dot or spot
Opposite of a place where a particular event or activity is occurring or has occurred
Opposite of a place, especially in a town or city and having a particular character or use
Opposite of an unpleasant situation, usually where difficult choices have to be made
“Ian sees this as a win-win situation, creating jobs on one hand, and preserving culture on the other.”
Opposite of a slight amount of something
Opposite of a small round or pear-shaped portion of a liquid
“These tarts would be perfectly matched with a dollop of whipped cream.”
Opposite of a place or component that is central to something
Opposite of the place, area or space occupied by, or intended for, an event, activity or purpose
“The country is in the middle of a civil war, and many people who have come from there have made their homes here.”
Opposite of the place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs or occurred
“I considered traveling again, but I was worried that it was literally a road to nowhere.”
Opposite of a compact mass of a substance, especially one without a definite or regular shape
Opposite of to mark or become marked with spots
Opposite of to see, notice, or recognize (someone or something)
Opposite of to look at closely or with interest
Opposite of to cause to be dirty or soiled
Opposite of to come to an awareness of something
“She tried to hide all evidence of her crime.”
Opposite of to direct one's gaze
“Trying to remain inconspicuous, she would avert any passersby as she walked through the city.”
Opposite of to see with the eyes
“I can't believe that anyone would allow these conditions to exist or miss such clutter and filth.”
Opposite of to pat lightly and quickly to clean or wipe away
“You'll need to scrub this stubborn stain nice and hard to remove it.”
Opposite of to establish or make a determination on the nature of someone or something
“Many people mistake the endangered water vole for the brown rat and accidentally poison them or disturb their burrows.”
Opposite of to see or notice
“How did you miss that? It was the single best shot ever made!”
Related Words and Phrases