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What is another word for pattering?

Need synonyms for pattering? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Present participle for to talk at length without saying anything significant
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“Father would patter on and on about history and an age when beggars were abundant.”
Present participle for to make a repeated light tapping sound
“Thunder clapped overhead as raindrops began to patter against the windows.”
Present participle for to run with quick light steps
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“I cannot pause and inhale the view today. Instead, I patter down the steps towards the rose gardens and another wedding.”
Present participle for to sprinkle with or as if with a shower
Present participle for to move or proceed on foot
Present participle for to move with short unsteady steps, especially while learning to walk
Present participle for to make a soft, muffled crackling sound
Present participle for to emit or cause to emit sound
A sound like that of quick light steps or taps
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