Opposite of having left one's job and ceased to work
Opposite of located or standing away from view or in a remote location
Opposite of slow to reveal emotion or opinions
Opposite of reserved, or shy and fond of being on one's own
(of a place, period of time, or situation) Opposite of without disturbance, activity or excitement
“New York is a lively city that never sleeps.”
Opposite of having a peaceful aspect
Opposite of located far away from other places, buildings, or people
“This sea lion rookery was selected for research because it was the most accessible island to civilization that had a sizeable sea lion population.”
(of a location) Opposite of placed or standing away from view
“It was a beautiful location with visible lakes in virtually all directions.”
Opposite of away or hidden from view
“In an exposed garden, it is worth putting up a temporary windbreak to protect the cuttings from drying winds.”
Opposite of being of advanced years in age
Opposite of hidden or out of the way
“It must be difficult for a celebrity to walk around this busy city without being recognized.”
Opposite of being, placed or standing apart or alone
“On any tour of the vessel, you will be accompanied at all times.”
Opposite of past tense for to discharge from a job or position
Opposite of past tense for to withdraw to, or from, a particular place
Opposite of past tense for to go to bed
Related Words and Phrases