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What is the opposite of plot?

Need antonyms for plot? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of a plan made in secret achieve a particular aim or goal, typically nefarious in nature
Opposite of the storyline of a narrative work
Opposite of a piece of land
Opposite of a crafty, and typically underhanded, means to achieve one's aims
Opposite of a plan or scheme to achieve a given effect or aim
Opposite of a plot or plan of action
“I don't have a clever plan to steal what we need, so it's going to be done purely out of spontaneity.”
Opposite of a means of attaining an end, especially one that is convenient but possibly improper or immoral
Opposite of a plan or drawing of the function or workings of something to be produced
“Please tell me how I can use what looks like just a bunch of scribble on a piece of paper.”
Opposite of a small piece of ground, especially one used for gardening
Opposite of an intention for which something is hoped to be accomplished
“Their indifference may be due to the fact that they see the sheer pointlessness of this program.”
Opposite of a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system
“After years of peace and world unity, an evil dictator had begun to emerge and was desperately trying to take over the world single-handedly.”
Opposite of an instance of successfully achieving something difficult
Opposite of to devise a (usually secret) plan to accomplish an aim or goal
Opposite of to conspire to devise (a plot or plan)
Opposite of to strategically plan a course of action
Opposite of to prepare something in advance
“The coach was out of ideas and it was now up the players to get creative and improvise.”
Opposite of to plan the look and function of a product by making a detailed drawing of it
“This is not the time and place to extemporize, because they will see right through our lack of planning.”
Opposite of to prepare or plan in advance
(look to or look at) Opposite of to hope for, or aspire to, a goal or dream
“Despite their flagging market position, they would refuse to improve their product in any way.”
(idiomatic) Opposite of to invent, create, or think of
“We would miss many great opportunities as we were not paying attention.”
Opposite of to cooperate traitorously with an enemy
Opposite of to produce an image of (someone or something) by making lines and marks on paper
“She wasn't happy with her artwork, so she decided to erase the drawing and start again.”
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