Opposite of dwelling or raised in, or as if in, cloisters
Opposite of located or standing away from view or in a remote location
Opposite of away or hidden from view
“In an exposed garden, it is worth putting up a temporary windbreak to protect the cuttings from drying winds.”
(of a location) Opposite of placed or standing away from view
“It was a beautiful location with visible lakes in virtually all directions.”
Opposite of characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence
“With his love of good food, whisky, and cigars, Wingate enjoyed a sybaritic lifestyle to the full.”
Opposite of hidden or out of the way
“It must be difficult for a celebrity to walk around this busy city without being recognized.”
(of a place or location) Opposite of remote or secluded in nature
“The nearby town was renowned for its pancakes and Belgian waffles.”
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