Opposite of long-winded talk with no real substance
Opposite of informal or casual talk amongst people
Opposite of conversation or talk that is casual or informal
Opposite of high-sounding language with little meaning, used to impress people
Opposite of friendly, informal conversation
“We need to have a discussion about the progress of our current project.”
Opposite of foolish, excited, or confused talk
“In his poems and translations, he established a poetic diction appropriate to the heroic couplet.”
Opposite of a person who likes talking about other people's private lives
“I take my job as a journalist very seriously, and I only work off cold, hard facts.”
Opposite of to engage in (typically meaningless or unimportant) conversation
Opposite of to engage in (typically meaningless or unimportant) speech, dialog or conversation
“What you see is a young politician, who has an ability to articulate his views like an experienced statesman.”
Opposite of to talk in a rambling manner
Opposite of to talk or chatter at length, typically on trivial subjects
“He motioned to silence the crowd as he prepared to belt the opening number for the concert.”
Opposite of to talk much and to little purpose
Opposite of to talk or write at length about an unrelated topic
“Prepare notes for reference to stay on topic and avoid rambling or going off on personal tangents.”
Opposite of to chat idly
“We need to sit down and discuss your behavior in class.”