Opposite of a sudden occurrence of a particular activity (or emotion)
Opposite of the act or state of physically bursting out of something
Opposite of an act or state of streaming out rapidly, sometimes figuratively
Opposite of a sudden or brief outbreak or burst of something
Opposite of a sudden, widespread occurrence of an undesirable phenomenon
Opposite of a sudden short bout of an illness or stress
“Probiotics can be used to provide defense against illnesses.”
Opposite of a sudden or intense outburst of something
Opposite of a conspicuous display or outburst of something
Opposite of a strong expression of public disapproval or anger
Opposite of a sudden and brief outbreak
Opposite of a state of noisy and confused activity
“The troublemakers were arrested and the peace was thus restored.”
Opposite of a public display of emotion or anger
“I was shocked when I was met with calm instead of the usual tantrum from my son.”
(somewhat rare) Opposite of a sudden outburst of emotion
“The medication gave her brief relief from her nagging cough, but within twenty-four hours, it had returned.”
Opposite of a sudden burst of intense emotion
“Her favorite character is Data, an android who, for all his emotionlessness, has a great curiosity about being human.”
Opposite of a heavy discharge of many things at once
“Billheimer attributed the lack of applause to the overwhelming emotion of both the occasion and the oration.”
Related Words and Phrases