Exercises range from squats on a balance board to dumbbell exercises on an exercise ball. |
Add lower-body strength exercises such as squats and lunges, using enough weight that your muscles fatigue between eight and 12 repetitions. |
Some of the best exercises include compound movements such as squats, lunges and leg presses. |
While squats and leg presses don't directly target the calves, they do rely on them for stability during heavier lifts. |
This applies to squats, bench presses, curls or any exercise relying on a barbell or dumbbells. |
He squats beside the machine, threading a screw the size of a flea, his eyes watering, face crimson and swollen. |
A powerful lineman who bench-presses 460 pounds and squats 600, Hampton has started every game since early in his freshman season. |
Coming off the treadmill and doing your lunges or squats, bicep or tricep curls would be your active recovery. |
Midway between the hotel and the theatre I passed a series of shopfronts which, at first glance, appeared to have been converted into squats. |
I wondered as I saw some men in uniform gathered by the rear gate of the prison which squats uglily next to my flat. |
They're better than squats for muscling up the quads and targeting different areas, and they're safer, too. |
We did a lot of power movements, like cleans, squats, snatches, deadlifts and bench presses. |
For six weeks, include higher-rep snatches, cleans and squats in your weight training. |
Following the deep-strength caveat of careful progression, begin with unweighted, standard squats. |
Some toning work with moderate weights will help to firm the muscles, squats are great for the nether regions. |
She and eight other women were stripped, searched and then forced to do knee squats while naked. |
Try squats and lunges if you are at home or leg extensions and lying leg curls if you're a member of a gym. |
So I've decided to compromise, cutting out the carbs at night and doing squats in the living-room. |
The relationship had deteriorated and she had become depressed, ending up living in squats in Bristol. |
We lived in squats and abandoned buildings, didn't really go to school, travelled, hitch-hiked. |
The Victorian building had been divided into four flats and, together with the neighbouring house, was being used as squats. |
Homes Not Jails is an organization that opens squats for homeless people and assists in legal and moral support. |
Italian police swept Genoa for arms and raided anarchist squats yesterday as three new bomb scares heightened security fears in the Italian city. |
I spent years in the lurid squats and dingy bed-sitters of Bristol, then the butter-yellow, peeling Georgian terraces of Brighton. |
These movements include push-ups, crunches, dips, pull-ups, lunges, body weight squats, back extensions or any other calisthenics. |
Taylor also suggests avoiding back-taxing moves such as deadlifts, deep squats and lunges, as well as step aerobics and cardio kickboxing. |
Fifty feet below, the cabin squats near the tumbledown outcropping of rock like a demonic toad. |
It squats at the bottom of the pail like a sullen garden toad, refusing to budge. |
We've seen the interview with the ascetic visionary who squats before a frugal meal among his disciples. |
Heavy compound lifts, such as squats and deadlifts, typically require a longer rest period than pushdowns or wrist curls. |
Scientists now believe that free-weight exercises such as squats and dead lifts are necessary for maintaining bone. |
Meanwhile, you're going to build strength via squats, dead lifts, stiff-legged dead lifts, and upright rows. |
Begin your sessions with exercises like deadlifts, squats, clean and jerks, and bench presses. |
To accomplish the latter, keep your heels close together and angle your toes slightly outward for lifts such as hack squats and leg presses. |
During ads, march in place one minute, do 15 jumping jacks, another minute of marching, 10 squats, 10 alternating knee lifts, 10 kicks. |
Its benign silhouette squats against the southern sky like some fat Buddha. |
Follow your aerobic exercise with ten minutes of squats, press-ups, sit-ups and back extensions for a quick all-over basic workout. |
Most of the dances include stamps, hops, squats, slides, and hip swivels, reflecting the occasion for which it is intended. |
It's added a rare touch of glamour to the club, whose space-age stadium squats anomalously on the edge of a determinedly humdrum town. |
The photographer squats down and says something through the letter box, and the door opens about six inches and we all squeeze in. |
When performing leg exercises, only supported lunges or squats should be performed, especially after the first trimester. |
He actually competed as a powerlifter before switching to bodybuilding, and squats, deadlifts and benches are still staples of his training routine. |
Getting big requires that you do hardcore exercises like bench press, squats, military press, bent-over rows, barbell curls, skullcrushers, shrugs, and dead lifts. |
They may live in glorified squats with a computer or be very wealthy. |
He advanced from simple stomach movements to leg and groin stretches, one legged squats, lunges and myriad exercises aimed at strengthening the middle of his body. |
Then on Wednesday work the legs with lunges, bridges and split squats. |
At the end of any two workouts each week on nonconsecutive days, perform five sets of squats with either bodyweight or a very light weight for 25-50 reps. |
Juana finishes cooking his breakfast and he squats by the fire to eat it. |
Many multijoint exercises such as walking lunges, running stairs with weights and dumbbell squats while lunging will promote positive changes in body composition. |
The player squats on the Balance Board, and then lifts to their toes to simulate jumping. |
However, I was up to 165 lb on the squats, so that's pretty awesome. |
Be certain to warm up before doing squats, deadlifts and military presses. |
Exercises such as flat and incline bench press, leg press, squats, shoulder presses, rows, inverted rows and lat pulldowns should be used by ectomorphs to gain strength. |
But talk of large, illegal squats by visiting protesters is already beginning, with parks, streets, riverbanks and even an abandoned hospital as potential targets. |
I never do burns for heavy compound lifts, such as squats or bent rows. |
Morgeta squats down and with the twist of her upper body with her arms extended halfway out, she causes the boulders around her to fly off the ground in a circular pattern. |
Those that could not afford to pay for hotels, hostels, or other forms of housing either camped in nearby parks or set up squats around the city in abandoned buildings. |
Those 300 squats are a killer but my glutes appreciate them. |
With the help of a neighbour, Jackson eventually escaped to London but instead of returning home to her mother, she drifted in and out of squats and slept rough for a while. |
As the water rose, the guinea pig rose too, although it ordinarily doesn't stand around on its hind legs, but rather squats like a hare or a rabbit. |
Fear squats in my belly, takes out its pinchers and sets to work. |
You would create more force development by just doing bench presses and squats. |
The 30-day squat challenge has become a Liverpool fitness phenomenon while squats have become a big hitter on Twitter. |
After a quick, but energetic warm-up, it's into a dumb-bell workout to strengthen and tone arms, with squats worked in too. |
But as often as his relatives talked about squats and barbells, they discussed cannon fire and infantry tactics. |
He told me how the wise toad who squats among the kingcups by the stream in summer has a very precious jewel in his head. |
The soaked one squats on the bridge, eyes furious and downcast. |
I watched a guy do squats with a heavy barbell on a wobble board. |
Four weeks of sit-ups, squats, press-ups, sprints and the Burpee. |
A training schedule for the pupil at Blythe School, Coleshill, consists of three sessions a week, carrying out more than 30 squats a day, 30 stretches and 30 bench presses. |
With the same weight do 3 squats, immediately followed by five burpees. |
But a four-year-old boy habitually, routinely and unremarkably kneeling for 15 minutes, being made to do squats, running, at a time when he looked like a Belsen victim? |