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How to use squats in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word squats? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Exercises range from squats on a balance board to dumbbell exercises on an exercise ball.
Add lower-body strength exercises such as squats and lunges, using enough weight that your muscles fatigue between eight and 12 repetitions.
Some of the best exercises include compound movements such as squats, lunges and leg presses.
While squats and leg presses don't directly target the calves, they do rely on them for stability during heavier lifts.
This applies to squats, bench presses, curls or any exercise relying on a barbell or dumbbells.
He squats beside the machine, threading a screw the size of a flea, his eyes watering, face crimson and swollen.
A powerful lineman who bench-presses 460 pounds and squats 600, Hampton has started every game since early in his freshman season.
Coming off the treadmill and doing your lunges or squats, bicep or tricep curls would be your active recovery.
Midway between the hotel and the theatre I passed a series of shopfronts which, at first glance, appeared to have been converted into squats.
I wondered as I saw some men in uniform gathered by the rear gate of the prison which squats uglily next to my flat.
They're better than squats for muscling up the quads and targeting different areas, and they're safer, too.
We did a lot of power movements, like cleans, squats, snatches, deadlifts and bench presses.
For six weeks, include higher-rep snatches, cleans and squats in your weight training.
Following the deep-strength caveat of careful progression, begin with unweighted, standard squats.
Some toning work with moderate weights will help to firm the muscles, squats are great for the nether regions.
She and eight other women were stripped, searched and then forced to do knee squats while naked.
Try squats and lunges if you are at home or leg extensions and lying leg curls if you're a member of a gym.
So I've decided to compromise, cutting out the carbs at night and doing squats in the living-room.
The relationship had deteriorated and she had become depressed, ending up living in squats in Bristol.
We lived in squats and abandoned buildings, didn't really go to school, travelled, hitch-hiked.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The sheik squats in the kibla or niche, and we sit on chairs ranged round the wall.
Dahn squats one on his backside an' writes something in 'igh words.
So he squats down, cross-legged, dips a reed-pen in the ink, and begins.
Not least so that the scheme no longer provides squats for skinflints masquerading as working class heroes.
At about 80 punches per person per minute, the total for the 60 fundraisers will be 2,073 million punches, with some 345,000 sit ups, 17,280 squats and 17,280 push ups.
My house is a decayed house, and the Jew squats an the window sill the owner, Spavined in some estaminet of Antwerp, Blistered in Brussels, patched and peeled in London.
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