The chief is still squatting at a guest house in Samfya as efforts to rebuild his palace are being made. |
He's squatting on his haunches, scooting along and slowing his descent by holding to the plants. |
She said she told the council her reasons for moving and swapped with the person who was living in the house in which she is now squatting. |
Stretch enough to get limber before squatting, but don't over-stretch as this actually weakens your muscles. |
About eight or ten of them, squatting on the castaway cart, staring vacantly over the avocado trees and maize fields. |
If you are squatting regularly to strengthen and shape your leg muscles, try adding some plyometrics. |
Their next door neighbours, also a squatting family, were evicted a few days later. |
The Iberian women in the centre of the canvas clash with the hideously masked creatures standing and squatting on the right. |
By juxtaposing man and ape in identical squatting poses, these capitals explicitly evoke the simian trait of mimicry. |
Most of the crimes were not of a violent nature, but tended to involve shoplifting, larceny, begging or squatting. |
I just gazed at the squatting figure in front of me, suddenly feeling extremely weary. |
Judging by the burnt blankets that the firemen have left beside the building, someone was squatting in there. |
The great expanse of unoccupied land available for squatting throughout southeastern Australia implied that the sheep could be left to wander. |
A member of York's alternative community, she was staying in the Bootham house after squatting at the White Swan Hotel in Piccadilly. |
Those who had eked out a marginal existence by squatting on the commons were evicted. |
We have written a major proposal to rehabilitate the house in which we are illegally squatting. |
The agency has also agreed to rehabilitate ruined public buildings where nearly 800 families are squatting. |
I looked out the window and saw a furry brown monkey squatting on the roof of a nearby building. |
She was squatting by the fire wrapped in scarlet cloth, her shoulders draped in a soiled blanket. |
After 35 years of plumbing and heating work, I was having trouble bending my knees and squatting under sinks. |
The viewer sees over the shoulder of one woman, whose fingers splay emotionally in the fore-ground, to the others squatting on the ground. |
The group's main political activity was squatting in unoccupied houses, which they subsequently defended in street battles with police. |
She was squatting inside the trailer, which had a slick fiberglass coating so it could be easily hosed out. |
As they returned to their work Hector came to position himself between Kaye and I, squatting down so he was at our level. |
Mrs Kapijimpanga, however, cautioned the residents against squatting on land that has been unlawfully acquired. |
Our gams endure countless hours of bending, squatting, cycling and walking, all courtesy of the knees. |
There are also private initiatives, including one to buy commode toilets for disabled soldiers who can no longer use squatting pans. |
As the rest tried to circle around him, he crossed his arms over his chest and began the Kazachoc Slavic dance, squatting and kicking each one squarely. |
Feeding and squatting in the sun and all indifferent to passing trains, bean geese have wintered in this favoured area of the Yare valley many years. |
Nearby we find other men with big Akubras squatting on the dusty ground, strong faces, strong veined hands, while a third page shows a team at a bronco panel toppling a steer. |
On a 2,813-acre tract roughly 30 miles west, Washington found a Calvinist sect called the Seceders squatting on his land. |
But while the more extreme freegans promote squatting and shoplifting as potential techniques, I restricted my quest to less controversial forms of urban foraging. |
Pain is recurrent and worsened by prolonged walking, running, squatting, standing fully on one's toes, and wearing tight, high-heeled shoes. |
Pulsing: While squatting or lunging, lower down to the bottommost position and pulse up and down in a 1-2 inch range of motion. |
He even has to wash the car of a jerky student who disrupts his class and then takes a picture of him squatting and soaping the tires. |
Tipitina's in the warm blue fog, squatting beneath a crescent moon so sharp and clean you could shave a wild hog with it. |
Some women, for example, had heard they would not be allowed to deliver in a squatting position, which they consider preferable. |
My search was fruitless, and after a while I gave it up and came back to find Mr. Wilde squatting on his high chair by the table. |
Land tenure issues make it hard for many people in Jamaica to take pride in the land that they are squatting on and don't feel ownership over. |
With this de facto recognition of squatting, the word quickly came to mean simply that the tenurial status of the occupied land remained unresolved. |
When she begins nosing in corners or squatting, it's time to place her in the litter box. |
While the government has made squatting in residential premises a criminal offence, squatting in commercial premises remains a civil offence. |
Like many others who migrate to Mumbai in search of work, Pujan spent years squatting on open land in the city with his relatives. |
This was the first youth movement to rent houses instead of squatting them. |
Positioned at waist level to mirror the bending and squatting movements of the worker in construction and maintenance. |
If a woman was giving birth in a squatting position, how would she be supported? |
By means of this procedure the worst cases of abuse of domain names and cyber squatting are treated. |
The 1841 census shows the Connors family squatting at Queuck. |
He climbed down from the chair and squatting on the floor, took the creature into his arms and caressed her. |
The rabbit was squatting by the cabbages unresisting when I was summoned to fetch him, and soon after I carried him back in the hutch he shut his eyes and died. |
Five miles north, Nokuthula Dube, 22, her two daughters and two orphaned relatives are squatting in an unfinished two-room house of cinder blocks. |
Trish and Peter have been living in London for a few years where Trish runs a school and Pete heads up a team of blokes nailing up buildings to stop no hopers squatting. |
In the 1990s, it helped slum residents in Bombay to claim the land they were squatting on and turn it into a proper residential estate with running water and electricity. |
However, many return, and many illegal immigrants, both children and adults, are squatting in neglected or unfinished buildings in and around the city. |
Another spends 10 minutes squatting by the table, recounting how his previous tables stiffed him when the computers overheated and meals didn't arrive on time. |
The camera follows her heading home on a dirt road, exchanging greetings with an old man squatting on a haystack, and passing old women sunning at the village boundary stones. |
He is too incoherent to tell and we leave him squatting outside the entrance to accident and emergency, smoking a roll-up and gobbing more blood on to the ground. |
For purposes of illustrating a lecture on calisthenics, a stick figure is a better picture of a squatting man than something from the Louvre. |
Originally intended to be a rubber plantation, it failed within several years and is now home to squatting farmers. |
While squatting, the rear feet of a doe pitch outward much more than usual and the dewclaws on the rear feet show up clearly. |
Cumulative joint trauma associated with occupations means kneeling or squatting in combination with carrying of loads of at least 35 kg on most days, or lifting of 35 kg loads in a twisted or bent position. |
It also uses organic solid and liquid wastes effectively, discourages dumping and squatting on open urban land, and rehabilitates contaminated land and water bodies. |
A toilet pedestal may be more risky if squatting is generally practised. |
No major company has been spared from attempted cyber squatting. |
Strict measures on squatting, the expulsion of migrants without visas and higher penalties for those who commit anti-social crimes are consistent with European law. |
Bearded men, squatting together in the pale afternoon sun, stare impassively as the FC goes by. With the annexation of Punjab in 1849, British India reached the frontier. |
He was squatting on the ground like a blackfellow, quiet and still and cunning. |
A hot lion with a very bloated stomach... will adopt either a sphinxed or a squatting posture which takes some of the weight off its belly. |
The youngster is transfixed by her uber-hip sibling-to-be who is squatting in an achingly cool apartment. |
What I'd done before was squatting and deadlifting and then the benchpress, so didn't know anything about Paralympic powerlifting. |
The Casa della Carita welcomes people with serious problems: the homeless, whether Italian or non-Italian, women who have been abused or treated violently, with their children, Romanies evacuated from squatting lands. |
Flexible, reliable, easy-to-use solutions protect you against a wide range of dangers, including theft, burglary, squatting, vandalism, fire, unwanted intrusions and criminal acts of all kinds. |
I'm letting my tenants carry on squatting my attic! |
Jean chuckled periodically under his breath as he recounted anecdotes about the prankster squatting in front of the Rock-o-la Grand Prix jukebox, Aimé Scott. |
To clean the squatting pan, use detergent powder and a long-handled brush. |
It cannot prevent abuses such as typo squatting or phishing, for example. |
A contemporary illustration of the fire shows a devil squatting on the building. |
A phalanx of policemen armed with lathis faced a mob of mill workers squatting on the road. |
Holding: While squatting or lunging, lower to the bottom position and hold, contracting your muscles, breathing deeply and maintaining proper form and position for as long as you can. |
Kinder explained that prolonged squatting has been known to lead to compression of the peroneal nerves, a set of nerves near the knee joint. |
All around Europe and in some places of Latin America there exists a social center and squatting movement mainly inspired by autonomist and anarchist ideas. |
Theo and I would join the servants for breakfast, squatting on our haunches round the three-legged iron pot, helping ourselves to tough putu porridge in our cupped hands. |
I'm told twerking is a highly sexual dance, full of squatting, popping and jiggling, so lewdly energetic that I put my back out just reading about it. |
Many persons held squatting licences who did not live on the squattage, but carried on some occupation elsewhere, the run being left in the care of an overseer. |
But campaigners warned that criminalising squatting in residential buildings would lead to an increase in some of the most vulnerable homeless people sleeping rough. |
In downtown Nouakchott, street corners are populated with hordes of turbaned men, squatting on mats over suitcases stuffed full of tattered ouguiyas, the local currency. |
He splashed some tepid water on his face from the basin beside his bed and took his time squatting in the garderobe, the night air cold on his bare skin. |
Wearing saffron saris, squatting on the floor during Mass, chanting Sanskrit slokas, and eating with one's hands are visible symbols of participation in ashramic life. |