This is one of the tastier winter squashes, with creamy pulp that tastes a bit like sweet potatoes. |
Southern tribes raised winter crooknecks, cushaws, and green and white striped sweet potato squashes. |
Many parents were unsure of how to prepare some of the fresh vegetables, such as eggplant and some squashes. |
Fresh vegetables, as peas, beans, potatoes, squashes, and ripe fruits, in their season, are all wholesome, and help to relieve costiveness. |
There's much more beta carotene in traditional crops, from leafy green vegetables to squashes, melons and mangoes. |
Obtuse terminology squashes out the real words, leaving you with a strange sense of emptiness. |
Jam, jellies, marmalades, candies, fruit syrups, squashes, chutney, pickles, ketchup and sauce are in the menu. |
For immunolabeling, third instar mitotic squashes were prepared and hybridized as described. |
Polytene chromosome squashes, cuticle preps, maternal enhancement, and stage of lethality tests were performed as described. |
To protect your child's teeth against decay and erosion, try to keep squashes, fizzy drinks, natural fruit juices, sweets and cakes to a minimum. |
This squashes other export industries and sucks in cheap imports, damaging others. |
And anyone who has been through Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Charley, you know that it literally just squashes these sorts of homes. |
This vitalistic statement implies that proteins are inherently alive, an idea that Haldane squashes. |
James is happy to drink water instead of squash but refuses to drink low sugar sodas or squashes. |
They raise 3 to 5 acres of Indian blue corn, white corn, sweet corn, squashes, dry beans, pumpkins and tomatoes. |
In this role, he effectively squashes most of the intelligence and sexiness that he has demonstrated in the past. |
The larger winter squashes such as the Green Mountain, Hubbard, and banana, are also desirable varieties. |
Good sources of carotenoids include winter squashes, carrots, apricots, broccoli and green leafy vegetables such as collard greens. |
Fruits and vegetables include onions, carrots, plums, pears, grapes, apricots, and all kinds of melons and squashes. |
Lorne Fitts, master gardener, adjusts the irrigation system for his Delicata and Hubbard squashes at the community garden. |
Sow sweetcorn, French and runner beans and, in all but very cold areas, courgettes and squashes. |
However, spaghetti squash has a shorter storage life of two months and Hubbard squashes can be kept for up to six months. |
Others prefer a natural look, arranging squashes, gourds, pumpkins and other spheroid Cucurbita in a pastoral style. |
This SC karyotype is very similar to karyotypes developed from pachytene chromosome squashes. |
My Lakota Hubbard squashes seem to be having an issue with blossom-end rot. |
What would you suggest doing with the two enormous Hubbard squashes in the garden? |
They average five to ten pounds, and have been developed from the American Hubbard squashes, resulting in a similarity to the Golden Hubbards. |
I have never had Hubbard squashes pruned into such artistic shapes as that year. |
Arika could see beanpoles thick with beans and peas, greens of all kinds, and squashes and many other forms of hard vegetables. |
Buttercups, various Hubbard squashes and giant prize-winning pumpkins belong to Cucurbita maxima. |
Most households include cordials or squashes in their shopping lists and, as a father, I have informed views of my own. |
Acorn squash is a good substitute, or try petite dumpling squashes if you come across them. |
In other cultures the terms pumpkin and squash, referring to hard-skinned winter squashes, are interchangeable. |
You can also use a vegetable brush to scrub hard skin produce such as carrots, potatoes, melons and squashes. |
Ms. Shepherd's collection of Tricolor pattypan squash is irresistible, producing light green, dark green and gold baby squashes. |
We found butternut squashes from our farm two miles downstream, stranded in sapling branches five feet above the ground. |
Pattypans should be 5 cm across, yellow squashes, marrows and zucchini up to 15 cm long. |
Cantaloupes have a milder flavour, a scaly exterior and often deep grooves like pumpkins or squashes. |
Limit juices, sugary squashes and fizzy drinks as these can fill a small stomach, resulting in less food eaten at mealtimes. |
When good bills are put forward and the committee does its work, the government squashes it. |
Native ingredients such as varieties of tomatoes, squashes, avocados, cocoa and vanilla augment the basic staples. |
I have potatoes, beets, red and green cabbages, butternut and spaghetti squashes that froze in my cold room. |
In end of summer there are the squashes, turnips and root foods, legume-type beans. |
Scientists discovered that pumpkins and squashes belonged to the oldest plants that were cultivated for food in the Americas. |
Upon the discovery of America, pumpkins and squashes were introduced in Africa first, then made their way somewhat later to Europe. |
Cucumber beetles and squash bugs attack various melons and squashes, damaging the fruit and spreading plant diseases. |
Summer squashes are picked when still very young, from 2 to 7 days after flowering. |
Try the different summer squashes, such as Sunburst, for interesting shapes. |
If you want lots of small fruits, keep picking the squashes young. |
Also, summer squashes take up less room then do the winter squash. |
To the early settlers, squash was just another mysterious New World food that they ate to survive the hard winters, but today's winter squashes are not such a puzzle. |
Some Hubbard squashes have a dark orange exterior and then there's the famous blue Hubbard squash which is gray in exterior but still orange on the inside. |
Other vegetables which will keep in a cool, dry, frost-free place include onions, garlic, marrows, pumpkins, winter squashes and winter cabbages. |
To store winter squashes, you can leave them on the plant until their skins harden further, but cut them before the first frosts. |
The flesh is more of a creamy yellow instead of the usual orange yellow of the winter squashes. |
New season kale tastes wonderful and winter squashes make delicious, filling soups. |
As the tip slowly squashes under its own weight, bacteria rot away the organic matter, mainly anaerobically with the generation of methane. |
Summer squashes, such as zucchini, globe squash, pattypan, and yellow crookneck squash, are quick-growing, small-fruited, nontrailing or bush varieties of Cucurbita pepo. |
Summer' squashes, such as zucchini, crookneck, sapote, and pattypan, are in the markets in summer and fall. |
For episode 8 we show you the Geek-a-cycle, cool free exercises you can get online and some funalicious ideas with apples and squashes. |
Nutmeg is a common spice for pumpkin pie and in recipes for other winter squashes such as baked acorn squash. |
If your child can manage more than plain water, well diluted fruit or vegetable juices are easy to digest and more nutritious than fruit squashes. |
Although most often purchased for use as a Halloween decoration, pumpkins can also be substituted for or combined with other squashes in most recipes. |
Winter squashes also lend themselves to creamed vegetable soups and, like pumpkin, the puréed version can be combined with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves to make squash pie. |
The groups receive their farm vegetables weekly from July to November and sometimes until March, in the case of farms offering winter baskets, like root vegetables and squashes. |
According to them, the siege of Sarajevo was not concluded by the Dayton Agreement, it is a daily aggression which squashes the last of the independent and tolerant voices, a lost battle everyday. |
He squashes talk of a regional rescue fund. |
Extra fat in the neck squashes the throat from outside, particularly when the throat muscles become floppier when you sleep. |
The basic staples of the Maya diet were maize, beans, and squashes. |
The diverse climate allowed for wide variation in available crops, but all regions of Mesoamerica cultivated the base crops of maize, beans, and squashes. |
Pears and apples join the last of the berries at farmers' markets, and early Swiss chards and winter squashes pop up alongside zucchini and tomatoes. |