To collide with someone or something
“If the attackers charge us, they'll run into the barricade.”
To meet, discover or encounter someone or something, especially by chance
“I start pitching at random, to anyone I happen to run into, to anyone with a minute to hear me out.”
To encounter or be faced with
“We will run into difficulties, but the only time you make progress in any field is when you run into difficulties and solve them.”
To extend or reach a given level
“My son has been left in debt paying for a car that has been written off and we have been informed that the bill for the lamp-post could run into hundreds of pounds.”
To observe or undergo events contributing to one's knowledge
To push against or move into someone or something
To make a financial return from
To approach and speak to boldly or aggressively
To mix or blend together, typically into a single mass or unit
To physically pierce or probe into