Opposite of the freedom or will to decide or choose, or that which has been chosen
Opposite of the power to act without the constraint of necessity or fate
Opposite of the volition to act as one pleases
“They concede that the owner of the patented article has a right to put a restriction upon its use or sale.”
Opposite of the capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision
“There is a limitation on what I can discuss in the public domain at this stage.”
Opposite of one's conscious intent or volition
“In this unintentionality of his, I take his cryptic style of montage to be of paramount importance for its pointed effect on us.”
Opposite of the state or characteristic of being resolute
Opposite of the quality or state of being prepared to do something
“So it was with great reluctance that I picked up this album and put it into my car stereo.”
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