Opposite of an unpleasant situation, usually where difficult choices have to be made
“Ian sees this as a win-win situation, creating jobs on one hand, and preserving culture on the other.”
Opposite of a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
Opposite of a complicated or baffling situation or thing
Opposite of something that needs to be resolved
“It's an inescapable truth that these problems have no easy solution.”
Opposite of the worst possible outcome or an extremely bad situation
Opposite of a period of turmoil in real life
“To celebrate the peace in my life finally, I decided to go for a ride in the country on my bike.”
Opposite of a difficult or awkward situation from which it is hard to extricate oneself
“In this gig, I have had the good fortune of visiting many television studios over the years.”
Opposite of a state of uncertainty or indecisiveness
Opposite of the state of being difficult or bothersome
“Sarah managed to complete the challenging puzzle with ease.”
Opposite of something that causes one to doubt or feel uncertain
“Where Giles introduced doubts in the story, there is doubtlessness in the original, and where he advises the philosopher to transcend barriers.”
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