Opposite of an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally
Opposite of an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause
Opposite of a great and sudden disaster or misfortune
“The rain was a blessing after the land had been devasted by droughts for months on end.”
Opposite of a setback, or change for the worse
“At first, he had success against troops taken by surprise, but soon afterward, this fine and brilliant army was beaten near Ancona and were never able to rally again.”
Opposite of chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen
Opposite of a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection
Opposite of a person harmed or killed as a result of an unfortunate event or action
“The assailant was caught when the shopkeeper recognized his face and reported it to the police.”
Opposite of the occurrence of events in the absence of any obvious intention or cause
“It is by design that I do not take on an overly remarkable phenomenon but a trivial one, at the risk of augmenting the difficulty of my task.”
Opposite of a forceful collision of two things
“The aversion of traffic calamity was a result of the two drivers' avoidance of an accident, thanks to their quick thinking and reaction.”
Opposite of severe suffering, difficulty or privation
“My fortune enabled me to live my life in comfort and luxury, but it also gave me too much time.”
Opposite of an event or occurrence, especially one that is noteworthy
Related Words and Phrases