Present participle for to compress into small folds or ridges
“Fold the dough over the filling and crimp the edges with a fork to seal it.”
Present participle for to hamper or hinder the progress or work of
“However, there is one issue that threatens to crimp their progress while marginalizing their impact.”
Present participle for to make waves in (someone's hair), typically with a hot iron
“In her youth, the queen had loved to crimp her hair, an affinity that Misty had, however unconsciously, inherited.”
Present participle for to cause to fail or to leave hopelessly puzzled, confused, or stuck
Present participle for to fold or bend something over, especially so that it comes in contact with itself
Present participle for to stop, hinder or impede the flow or progress of
Present participle for to cause the downfall or ruin of
Present participle for to make cuts, incisions or notches in
Present participle for to change direction as a result of entering a different medium
Present participle for to enroll or draft someone for a duty, service or role
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