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How to say hold in French

What's the French word for hold? Here's a list of translations.

French Translation
More French words for hold
tenir verb
keep, have, fulfill, convene, stay up
détenir verb
detain, possess, keep, be detained, seize
la prise noun
taking, outlet, take, intake, catch
la cale noun
wedge, chock, slipway, slip, skid
contenir verb
contain, restrain, stem, hold in, accommodate
la emprise noun
retenir verb
retain, keep, withhold, restrain, detain
la soute noun
conserver verb
keep, retain, maintain, preserve, conserve
garder verb
keep, maintain, guard, preserve, look after
occuper verb
occupy, fill, take over, live, keep busy
avoir verb
have, get, possess, own, stock
rester verb
stay, remain, keep, continue, be left
résister verb
resist, stand, stand up, stand up to, struggle
continuer verb
continue, keep, proceed, go on, maintain
durer verb
last, take, continue, endure, cover
la immobilisation noun
immobilization, conversion
le contrôle noun
control, check, supervision, inspection, test
receler verb
harbor, receive, harbour
las autorité noun
authority, control, rule, command, mandate
combattre verb
combat, fight, oppose, struggle, contend
ravaler verb
swallow, debase, lower, bite back, clean
valoir pour verb
le berceau noun
cradle, bed, bassinet, arbor, cradling
las arrestation noun
arrest, detention, apprehension, seizure, catch
la compréhension noun
comprehension, grasp, connotation, ken
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