Opposite of superlative for striking in appearance or effect
“The more exciting parts are action-packed with fighting and gore, but it only occurs in bursts along with a boring storyline.”
Opposite of superlative for charged with emotion
“The interaction between the protagonist and his love interest was rather emotionless.”
Opposite of superlative for showy, bold or audacious in behavior or appearance
“A simple and unnoticeable change in sugar intake can make a drastic difference and improve weight management.”
Opposite of superlative for striking in suddenness or effectiveness
“People's preferences in regard to how they keep in touch are undergoing a gradual change.”
Opposite of superlative for given to, or marked by, attention-getting behavior suggestive of stage acting
“Ariel was completely makeup-free for the outing, simply opting for her natural smile.”
Opposite of superlative for exaggerated and excessively dramatic
“Jess auditioned for the part of Dorothy, but the producer said that she was as unnatural and undramatic an actor that he had ever come across.”