Opposite of a feeling of general bodily discomfort, fatigue, or unpleasantness, often at the onset of illness
Opposite of a state of depression or despondency
Opposite of a state of disapproval or feeling of unfulfillment
Opposite of the fact or state of being boring, or of feeling bored
Opposite of an illness or medical condition, especially a relatively minor one
(usually of a disease or condition) Opposite of the act of being adversely affected
“Teresa may be getting on with age, but she still seems to be in good health.”
Opposite of the state of not moving or acting, or an unwillingness to do so
“They greatly impress me with their intellectual and behavior-analytic skills and their consistent industriousness.”
Opposite of the state of being discomposed
Opposite of a problem or difficulty
“Many countries have looked into internet voting as a possible solution for low voter turnout.”
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