Gold can form soluble compounds with these substances and so the fluids will leach it out of rocks. |
These can kill the bacteria in a septic tank, causing excess solids to clog the pipes in the leach field. |
If your soil is mostly sandy, the Nitrogen in the fertilizer should leach out fairly quickly with continued watering. |
Recent research indicates autotoxic compounds leach faster through sandy soils than heavy-textured soils. |
Can I write your story into a film and leach you of any kind of proprietorial rights? |
Treated wood shingles may leach toxic preservatives, and asphalt shingles may leach small amounts of petroleum compounds. |
Clear plastics, including baby bottles, can leach an estrogen mimic into hot liquids. |
They do, however, acknowledge that phthalates commonly leach from PVC plastics. |
These leach from glues, paints, vinyls and plastics in the passenger compartment. |
When trees were cut down, heavy rainfall would wash off the topsoil and leach the nutrients. |
All of the nitrate and ammonia in the wastewater is available for plant uptake and any excess can leach into groundwater. |
Flexible margarine tubs or whipped topping containers will warp or melt and leach chemicals in the microwave. |
Polycarbonate baby bottles, for example, may leach an estrogenic compound called bisphenol A as they degrade. |
To leach salts from the salty soils, water plants' root zones slowly and deeply at least once a year. |
One drawback of organic-based products is the tendency of chemicals to leach from the matrix material, leaving parts of the surface unprotected. |
The rotting process releases acids which dissolve metals into liquids which leach out of waste dumps and can poison local rivers. |
The endocrine-disrupting phthalate plasticizers that leach from soft PVC plastics are another concern. |
The current processing route for sylvinite involves milling of the ore in a saturated leach liquor followed by conventional flotation. |
Linuron is known to leach through soil into ground water under certain conditions as a result of agricultural use. |
If the floor is not flushed thoroughly with water after clean up, the muriatic acid will continue to leach lime from the grout causing the whitish dust. |
I have read that long wash times can leach out optical brighteners, but I've never been able to tell the difference between 2 and 6 hours in a cold wash. |
Moisture under an asphalt built-up or modified bitumen roof system will leach plasticizing oils out of the membrane, making it prematurely brittle. |
The small chloride ion can also sometimes work its way past protective coatings and leach out soluble iron chloride salts, exposing new surfaces for attack. |
Older dwellings may also have lead pipes that leach into the drinking water. |
The other attraction of these materials, which were developed in the 1970s, is that they continuously leach fluoride and so can help reduce the incidence of recurrent caries. |
The pad is used to store a mound of ore through which chemicals percolate to leach out the gold ore, which is then collected and processed into bullion. |
High-grade ore is still refined in roasters and mills, but the low-grade stuff goes into leach heaps, huge hills of pulverized ore mounded atop plastic liners. |
Most food tins are lined with a resin which contains a hormone-disrupting chemical called bisphenol A, which can leach from the tin into the food inside. |
In Washington, the chloramines also caused lead to leach out of service lines, water meters, plumbing with lead solder and brass faucets that contain lead. |
Hydrothermal fluids circulate through rock to leach small amounts of gold from large volumes of rock and then deposit it in fractures to form veins. |
The cannon was placed in a large waterproof crate of fresh water to leach out the salts, which, if untreated, would have eventually corroded the metal. |
Heavy metals and acids often commingle in mining waste, much as they do in ordinary landfills, and can leach into the soil and water. |
It can also acidify sensitive lakes, rivers, and streams and cause metals to leach from surrounding soils into the water system. |
Phytase breaks down normally indigestible phosphorous, which would otherwise be excreted and possibly leach into groundwater. |
Energetic material can also leach into the soil when munitions that fail to explode are damaged or corrode over time. |
But through trial and error, leach and his co-founder Randy Crochet, a real estate investor, improved the product. |
The poison from the murder continues to leach into every aspect of the relationship. |
He was in his mid-30s that manic February, and remembers booting up multiple PCs to leach off any Coltrane rarities he was still missing. |
Copper pots cook food evenly, but unlined pans can cause copper to leach into food and cause diarrhoea and sickness. |
We know through studies that these chemicals will leach out of the plastics and into whatever is being used. |
Will cyanide be used to leach gold from the ore, or will the company use more ecologically sound technologies? |
Toxic resin acids, naturally present in wood, can leach out of wood waste exposed to water from rain or in rivers and lakes. |
The nitrogen in conventional fertilizers, however, is available immediately and surpluses can runoff or leach. |
Once those products leave our homes through drain pipes or in garbage bags, they can be released into water systems or leach into soil. |
It is expected that if PeCB is released to soil, it will absorb strongly to the soil and will not leach to the groundwater. |
The flow of by-products from the zinc industry were augmented by the silver-bearing leach residues from Umicore's Auby smelter. |
But these substances also leach into the marine environment and may adversely affect several non-target species. |
The Brewery Creek project proposed the first use of heap leach ore processing in northern Canada. |
The two characters are ready for the hunt: a gentleman, seen from the back, holds a greyhound by a leach, a lady turned slightly to the right has a falcon perched on her left hand. |
In terms of products that leach into the soil, the total ranges from 1 to 11 tonnes per hectare annually, despite the allowable limit of 4 tonnes. |
Traditionally, most mushroom farmers reduced the salt by simply leaving the substrate stacked outside for six months, and letting the salt leach out. |
As the eurozone unifies, power and influence will inevitably leach from EU27 institutions to eurozone institutions, such as the European Central Bank. |
During weathering, iron tends to leach from sulfide deposits as the sulfate and from silicate deposits as the bicarbonate. |
Landfilled flexible PVC would form a reservoir of these chemicals that could slowly leach out over time, whilst incineration presents the advantage of destroying them. |
For example, monitoring should be conducted at the tap to protect the public from metals, such as lead, which may leach from the pipes in the distribution system and residences. |
Adhesive labels, rubber stamps, inks and felt-tip pens should never be used on photographic materials because they contain active chemical compounds that may leach through the print and eventually damage the image. |
All tailings from the leach plant have also been leached of all constituents that are soluble in sulfurous acid, and upon neutralization, there are no remaining soluble constituents. |
The refining process consists of grinding the matte into a very fine powder, putting it into a chlorine leach, and then recovering the nickel by electrowinning. |
Organotins may also leach into liquids that come into contact with organotin-containing plastic pipes, containers and packaging materials. |
The Brodie deposit lies southwest of the currently producing Drinkwater and Mary pits and is immediately adjacent to the leach pad. |
The current Ranger mine, surrounded by the world heritage national park, was forced to stop production in late 2013 after a leach tank failed, spilling about 1m litres of radioactive and acidic slurry. |
In this normal mouthing toxins, and phthalates are particularly vulnerable to this, seep or leach out of the product into the saliva and are consumed and absorbed by the body. |
Higgins JJ, Heufelder G, Foss S Removal efficiency of standard septic tank and leach trench septic systems for MS2 Coliphage. |
Toxic additives used in the manufacture of plastic materials can leach out into their surroundings when exposed to water. |
Heavy rainfall can leach out minerals important for plant growth from the soil. |
Toxic additives used in plastic manufacturing can leach into their surroundings when exposed to water. |
Second, we must realize that the production of corn as the basic resource for ethanol production requires the significant use of pesticides that could leach into groundwater or even nearby waterways. |
Argosy has an exclusive licence from Dynatec for the use of Dynatec's acid pressure leach technology within a 40-km radius around the Nakety deposit. |
Consumers should avoid storing foods, particularly acidic foods or foods for infants and children, in decorative ceramicware, lead crystal, or other containers that can leach lead. |
As the land so cleared fell into disuse, the soil began to leach and become more acidic, producing a suitable environment for the growth of heather and rushes. |
The pumped material is then set to leach for further processing. |
Scandium that was produced domestically was primarily from the scandium-yttrium silicate mineral thortveitite, and from byproduct leach solutions from uranium operations. |
The primary danger with such practice is the likelihood that the waste will contact water, which could leach radioactive contamination into the environment. |
Heap leach commissioning from the agglomerator to the stacker of the SXEW plant was successfully completed on 27 December 2013, and is operating as expected. |
Slats of beech wood are washed in caustic soda to leach out any flavor or aroma characteristics and are spread around the bottom of fermentation tanks for Budweiser beer. |
Even a small amount of rain can leach the toxic material from the soil. |
Certain kinds of treated wood can leach chemicals into the soil. |
Sharon Leach wrote in the Sunday Observer of the agonies of having to do without water, and she knows whereof she speaks. |
He joined Rick Leach as the only quarterbacks in school history to start four season openers. |
Her conceptual artworks are curiosities rather than the cat's pyjamas, says Cristin Leach. |
Leach reviewed the epidemiology and prevention of hepatitis A infection in children. |
Judith Leach, principal of the girls' school, said the exams, which began at 8.30 am and ended promptly at 1 pm, ran without a hitch. |
Ms Leach also found a staggering number of mothers did not follow up the references of their childcarers or organised care at the last minute. |
Jeanette MacDonald and Archie Leach, a chores boy who will soon be known as Cary Grant, dance a fandango in Boom Boom. |
Leach is a minor character and the fact that Larsen effortlessly penetrated his incognito has no central plot significance. |
This was a school that looked to the ceramics of Picasso rather than the functional stoneware pottery of Bernard Leach. |
Wibsey struggled in the second period and were reduced to nine players when Daryl Leach was dismissed for a second bookable offence. |
Professor Penelope Leach told The Daily Beast it was ludicrous to monitor young children in that way. |
Grant was born as Archibald Leach, to a mentally ill woman and a working-class pants presser in Bristol, England. |
But Mr Milner, director of Keighley iron founders Leach and Thompson, said there were dozens of examples of manufacturers in the district switching jobs overseas. |
Leach can now conduct large-scale genetic screens, studying the progress of mutations designed to mimic the way human pancreatic disease develops. |
Keith Leach, chief commercial officer at Al Rayan, also recognises the benefits of uncorrelated asset classes. |
Leach is careful not to oversimplify Hughes's character either by romanticizing him or underestimating him. |
Elastase enzymatic degradation was performed as per the method described by Leach et al. |
Pogge had put his glove down to freeze a shot by Jay Leach, but the goalie just missed it and Loprieno was right on the doorstep to poke it home. |
St Ives also houses the Leach Pottery, where Bernard Leach, and his followers championed Japanese inspired studio pottery. |
Signatories included Tim Brighouse, Margaret Edgington, Dr Richard House, Dr Penelope Leach and Sue Palmer. |
Biological screening of araripe basin medicinal plants using Artemia salina Leach and pathogenic bacteria. |
In the 1930s, Susan studied ceramics with Bernard and David Leach while she was at Dartington Hall School. |
On 1 April, Leach sent orders to a Royal Navy force carrying out exercises in the Mediterranean to prepare to sail south. |
That's how James Leach, vice president of operations at Passaic Rubber, knew who to call when he was having issues with wrinkling on one of his production lines. |
Before Ritchie's arranged fight with Charley White, Welsh took in two more encounters, beating Leach Cross on points and then Joe Mandot on press decision. |
As new genera were erected, the species was moved, reaching its current position in 1814, when William Elford Leach erected the genus Nephrops to hold this species alone. |
Leach is now semiretired in order to care for Vickie, who was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's in 2004, though he remains keenly attuned to future projects. |