He spent millions developing golf courses, luring newfangled seaplanes, holding polo tournaments and attracting le bon ton of the Edwardian era. |
The area was later renamed after an owner John le Boteler, the name becoming Butler Hills and later corrupted to Butter Hills. |
The main aim of the expedition is to continue exploration of the cave Asopladeru le Texa. |
As he discovers, le crime passionnel, a concept originating in France, has a special place in many legal codes around the world. |
He failed to see that, although he and the French writer were both seeking le mot juste, their aims were completely different. |
These days Air would probably rather be jet-setting around le beau monde than making records. |
It is visible for miles around due to its medieval tower, known by the locals as le tour Anglais. |
An Aussie wine-producing company recently commissioned a poll of restaurant diners about le vin, with some startling results. |
A little Green Man on the high frieze of the fourteenth-century chantry chapel of Edward le Despenser, in Tewkesbury Abbey, faces the south choir aisle. |
One effort was an adulatory poem, Le Siecle de Louis le Grand, in which he claimed that Louis XIV's world equalled, and surpassed, that of the ancient world. |
Meanwhile, heat the butter in a medium heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven, such as le Creuset. |
That generation made the French Riviera fashionable, luring le bon ton from all over the world to indulge in the new pastime of sunbathing and take the air. |
Built in the 19th century as a town house by the rector of St Michael le Belfry Church, it later became a council hostel before being transformed into a luxury hotel. |
He floundered badly until he met Ozenfant in that same year, and they published the painting manifesto Apres le Cubisme and began to create what became their new Purist works. |
If any historian has taken to heart Gustave Flaubert's mandate to find le mot juste in his descriptive efforts, it is the babyfaced, articulate Burns. |
We don't know if they visited le Palais or lost their sous at the tables, but we can see how they saw the city and its Baie des Anges by visiting Nice's museums. |
It is a side of Napoleon little recognised in the land of le rosbif. |
The Global Fund, Proposition de la Guinee a la serie 10 du Fonds Mondial pour la lutte contre le Sida, la Tuberculose et le Paludisme. |
In this version, French officers referred to this unusual form of swizzle stick in a mixture of French and English, le coq's tail. |
Les rois du negoce et du capital vacillant metamorphosent le djihadiste virtuel en tube digestif bien reel. |
D'ailleurs le boycott des partis de l'opposition ne semble pas du moins pour le moment, deranger la majorite et le gouvernement. |
Il est epaule par un secretaire general francais, le socialiste Robert Marjolin. |
Le Conseil des ministres etudie a present l'idee de creation d'un Fonds special pour le chomage, ont declare des sources informees. |
In 1615, Jacob le Maire and Willem Schouten's rounding of Cape Horn proved that Tierra del Fuego was a relatively small island. |
An Angevin attack on Maine was defeated in late 1076 or 1077, with Count Fulk le Rechin wounded in the unsuccessful attack. |
Dans cet article, les termes de dependance spatiale sont implementes a la fois dans le cadre standard et dans le cadre mixed multinominal logit. |
De le Vingne says they plan to resume activities as soon as possible. |
Bientot, ce sera le temps des semis, le gazon verdira et les fleurs s'epanouiront. |
En 1978-1979, ce fut au tour de factions du MIR et du groupe revolutionnaire Puka Llacta de faire le grand saut. |
Perfective le appears with state verb constellations in ingressives and inchoative clauses. |
Le ministere de la Planification a mis au point un plan national pour doubler le revenu. |
Since 2010, the restaurant le Pily, of the Valognes restaurateur Pierre Marion, holds a star in the Michelin Guide. |
His mother, Jeanne le Franc, was the daughter of an innkeeper from Cambrai. |
Out of the court room judges are referred to as Monsieur le juge or Madame le juge. |
So while you may love the linguine con le vongole at your local trattoria, try the osso buco every once in a while. |
Au milieu de la matinee, elle se dirige vers le garage d'ou elle sort une pancarte en bois. |
No wonder that such ostentatious Francophilia was often snobbishly dismissed as le gout Rothschild. |
En contemplant mon temps passe Et le passe temps de Michaut, J'ay mon temps perdu compasse Duquel a present bien m'y chault. |
Sur la question relative a la preservation de l'exercice du droit syndical, la ministre a affirme que ce point est inscrit dans le document. |
Vienna, Austria based a tout le Monde Studios is owned and operated by Muammer Derebasi. |
Cartographie de la vegetation et ecologie des Phrenicopterides et des Anatides dans le Chott Tinsilt. |
Odard's second son was Rafe le Dispensator, William I's Chancellor, and from whom the Spencers are descended. |
In 1219, Gilbert le Gluton held land and an oven in Nottingham by sergeancy as a royal bailiff errant. |
She...lerned so moche of egremauncye that the peple cleped hir afterward Morgain le fee. |
L'une des particularites du fragment reside dans son groupe de trois Alleluia pour le Lundi de Paques. |
Notons par ailleurs que le Maroc a procede a la fermeture de son ambassade apres que les houthis se sont emparees de la capitale yemenite. |
S'inscrivant dans le registre du underground, il comprend 12 titres dans des sonorites musicales reggae, ragga et gnawa. |
Bottom club Southport Trinity failed to build on their morale boosting win over St Helens Recs as they lost to Newton le Willows by six wickets. |
Apres avoir recoupe les temoignages des riverains et examine la scene du crime, les hommes en vert ont pu identifier le suspect principal. |
En face, l'equipe drivee par Si-Tahar Cherif El Ouazzani entend augmenter son capital points pour le maintien. |
Dans le cadre de cet important projet, l'abaissement du terre-plein au sud de la rue Front fut la principale source du remblai de la Bale. |
Rester les bras croises et se contenter de se lamenter en disant que c'est le destin ou agir? |
Ils ont egalement continue a collecter les signatures pour le retrait de la confiance au chef de l'Etat. |
Autant de critiques lances ca et la par des femmes qui se font tort mutuellement sans le moindre remord. |
Bryan Habana crossed twice while Duane Vermulen and Willie le Roux also scored. |
Reciprocal gawping revealed a very healthy number of Euro-plated TTs, A4s and Q5s heading for le rosbif. |
A three-star, 30-room, modern aparthotel in Carry le Rouet, 18 miles west of Marseille. |
Restaurant le 4 in Rue de la Bonbonniere has only been open for a couple of years, but it's already become a dining destination. |
A la medina de Rabat, se trouve un coin typique, connu sous le nom de Souk Sebat, marche des chaussures. |
On imagine aisement un plan large a partir de Targa, la maison de Mathilde dans la banlieue de Marrakech, embrassant le haut Atlas seigneurial. |
Le Pr Mehdi a propose la generalisation du depistage du VIH ou le serodiagnostic. |
L'apres-midi, vers 15 h, c'etait le ralliement general a la cafeteria du pavillon Tabaret pour la pause-cafe et les cigarettes. |
Manifs et sit-in en face du QG du gouvernorat, le gouverneur finit par ceder et presenter sa demission. |
Il monte malgre tout sur le premier podium de sa carriere en terminant second. |
Fin du monopole sur le sucre Evoquant le marche du sucre, Bakhti Belaib a soutenu qu'il y a un monopole de fait. |
While those dans le tent were attempting quick breads and sculptures made out of Chelsea buns I was raiding the cupboard for ingredients. |
Monseigneur le Prince d'Orange, a short treatise, perhaps by one of William's tutors, Constantijn Huygens. |
In 1228 Richard le Poore came from Salisbury where a new cathedral was being built in the Gothic style. |
The scabbard is stolen by Morgan le Fay in revenge for the death of her beloved Accolon and thrown into a lake, never to be found again. |
However, along the way, Merlin receives a vision that Arthur is in need of assistance against the schemes of Morgan le Fay. |
Sir William, who was known as le riche due to his extensive personal wealth, was constructing Bothwell Castle overlooking the River Clyde. |
It was accompanied by plans and drawings by a Mrs Trehearne engraved by John Henry le Keux. |
Also known as Parc le Breos burial chamber, it is a partly restored Neolithic chambered tomb. |
On 25 August, the 113th Brigade cleared Mametz Wood, and the 115th seized Bazentin le Petit. |
In February 1354, Cherbourg was transferred by Jean le Bon to Charles II of Navarre, called the Bad, with the bulk of the Cotentin. |
In 1744 Jean le Rond d'Alembert studied tidal equations for the atmosphere which did not include rotation. |
On 14 June 1615 Jacob le Maire and Willem Schouten sailed from Texel in the United Provinces. |
Austen was likely referring to flogging or spanking, then common naval punishments, known as le vice Anglais. |
And when the aura of sports reaches the stratospheric level of a Michael Jordan, tout le monde takes notice. |
Instead of loan deals nex season, Eriksson will b given the go-ahead to embar on a shopping spree to le Leicester to automa p romotion. |
The tale of Sir Gareth begins with his arrival at court as le bel inconnu, or the fair unknown. |
Tabita Botros a rencontre Mercredi la responsable des affaires humanitaires et services au du Fonds pour le Soutien de la Paix au Sud-Kordofan, Mme. |
Then you can discuss business over robalo le classique, a local fish sauteed in butter and fresh herbs, or the chipotle steak smothered in spicy pepper sauce. |
Pour capturer ces images et les fixer dans le temps, elle s'inspire de sa vie, de la contemplation bonheureuse de la nature dans toute sa splendeur. |
Richard le Poore employed the architect Richard Farnham to design an eastern terminal for the building in which many monks could say the Daily Office simultaneously. |
More than three centuries ago, the French writer Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle established himself as one of the first great popularizers of science. |
The last man to hold the title was William le Gros, however the earldom was abolished by Henry II as a result of a troubled period known as The Anarchy. |
William then turned his attention to the continent, returning to Normandy in early 1073 to deal with the invasion of Maine by Fulk le Rechin, the Count of Anjou. |
William le Poer, coroner of Scilly, is recorded in 1305 as being worried about the extent of wrecking in the islands, and sending a petition to the King. |
These days, it seems, Dan le Man prefers champions to champignons. |
His drawings of Wigmore Grange were engraved by John le Keux and are some of the finest topographical prints published in Archaeologia Cambrensiis. |
Abrar Al-Hadi a quitter le Soudan ayant un document illegal. |
Le ministre a ensuite precise que les objectifs de ce projet de loi resident dans la volonte du gouvernement de reorganiser et d'actualiser le regime de la copropriete. |
Collage relies on a technique known as digital steganography, in which an image le is changed to encode the hidden message without affecting the appearance of the image. |
The Cherbourg population spoke le haguais, a variant of Cotentinais Norman, while having some specifics regarding the pronunciation of certain words. |
Charles le Goffic introduced the Scottish Highland pipes to Brittany. |
Oppose a Tom Kristensen, octuple vainqueur des 24 Heures du Mans en finale, Grosjean a realise un sans faute pour devenir le champion des champions. |
Les Packers, vainqueurs du Superbowl en 2011, rencontreront le week-end prochain les 49ers de San Francisco en demi-finale de la Conference Nationale. |
In France the title was le Dauphin, in Imperial Russia it was Tsesarevich. |
Tout le monde is now saying these particular trans fats are so completely and utterly heinous for our tickers and arteries that lard is starting to look good again. |
We might then subtitle or rebaptize them as Et quand le roi serait fou? |
One unusual legacy of the dynasty survives in nearby Dawdon and Dalton le Dale, where streets are named Benevente, Corcyra and Polemarch after Vane-Tempest racehorses. |
Part JT Le Roy, part Evelyn Waugh, part Penny Arcade, the show is humorous and genuinely raw, combining outspoken monologues and music. |
Taking a boat trip out from Mahe to other islands such as Praslin or Le Digue offers a choice of how to play your days. |
Taking a boat trip out from Mahe to Praslin or Le Digue offers a choice of how to play your days. |